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Unfamiliar line in the logs

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If this looks like its from my other post about the invisible idle connections, its because it is. Can anyone clarify what this means?

Actually come to think of it, it looks like a bearshare client is trying to access my fileserver via HTTP but I don't think this is possible.  I have sharing disabled in bearshare.  Also there is no indication that Bearshare or any parent folder was accessed for a long long time. (besides my loopback address) Ideas?

I can see them both sharing 127.001 for various internal reasons but I dont see why this would show up on the logs.
It's attached.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2007, 02:36:40 AM by ELEVENNNN »
This is going to take a long time

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it has nothing to do with "invisible" connections.

a software in the same PC where you run HFS connected to HFS and made that request.
i doubt it found what it was looking for ::)
it looks like a search for an update, and it's far from being a problem.
i have a software that i don't want it to connect to its server, so i put a line in my hosts file and it tries to connect to (finding nothing). this brings me similar log lines in HFS.


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Good solution with the hosts file.. hopefully it looks familiar to a linux hosts.allow/deny.  This doesnt bother be regardless, I was just curious. 

Also, it was not related to the invisible connections bug, it was just a copy+paste of the screenshot from the invisible connection bug post.

I have a question for you loosely related to this but I'll ask when I'm off work.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2007, 09:47:32 PM by ELEVENNNN »
This is going to take a long time