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Testing build #229

rejetto · 10 · 10345

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Offline rejetto

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you will find my last replies in the 228 topic ;)

download @

what's new
+ improved Windows links support (again)  
+ new parameter "comment" for {.set item.}
+ new event script: [unauthorized] [link]
+ new template symbol: %password% (the one supplied by the browser, not necessarily the correct one)
- fixed compatibility problem with MS ISA 2004 firewall [link]
- {.time|dddd.} wasa not supporting utf-8 [link]
- "ignore limits" was applied only to new connections [link]


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Access violation at address 004ADBE8 in module 'hfs.exe'. Read of address 00000048
HFS 2.3 beta (229)
Stack list, generated 10.03.2009 11:18:31
[004ADBE8]{hfs.exe     } HSlib.ThttpSrv.getActive (Line 793, "hslib.pas" + 0) + $0
[005658D6]{hfs.exe     } main.TmainFrm.menuPopup (Line 11981, "main.pas" + 5) + $5
[00468D14]{hfs.exe     } Menus.TPopupMenu.DoPopup (Line 3563, "Menus.pas" + 1) + $13
[00468E60]{hfs.exe     } Menus.TPopupMenu.Popup (Line 3630, "Menus.pas" + 3) + $8
[005603E1]{hfs.exe     } main.TmainFrm.popupMainMenu (Line 10707, "main.pas" + 3) + $E
[0056585B]{hfs.exe     } main.TmainFrm.menuBtnClick (Line 11971, "main.pas" + 0) + $3
[00472D4A]{hfs.exe     } Controls.TControl.Click (Line 5226, "Controls.pas" + 9) + $C
[004DD85A]{hfs.exe     } ComCtrls.TToolButton.Click (Line 16839, "ComCtrls.pas" + 1) + $3
[004732D4]{hfs.exe     } Controls.TControl.WMLButtonUp (Line 5362, "Controls.pas" + 6) + $3C
[0047278D]{hfs.exe     } Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5143, "Controls.pas" + 83) + $8
[0047233A]{hfs.exe     } Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 5018, "Controls.pas" + 5) + $F
[00476C96]{hfs.exe     } Controls.GetControlAtPos (Line 7043, "Controls.pas" + 4) + $88
[0047233A]{hfs.exe     } Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 5018, "Controls.pas" + 5) + $F
[00476FDE]{hfs.exe     } Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Line 7130, "Controls.pas" + 15) + $22
[0047737E]{hfs.exe     } Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7211, "Controls.pas" + 70) + $6
[004E0047]{hfs.exe     } ComCtrls.TToolBar.UpdateButtonStates (Line 17994, "ComCtrls.pas" + 3) + $6
[004E302E]{hfs.exe     } ComCtrls.TToolBar.WndProc (Line 19404, "ComCtrls.pas" + 80) + $6
[00476B84]{hfs.exe     } Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7021, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $9
[0042AC08]{hfs.exe     } Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11572, "classes.pas" + 8) + $0
[0042B212]{hfs.exe     } Contnrs.TObjectList.GetItem (Line 296, "Contnrs.pas" + 1) + $6
[0042B43E]{hfs.exe     } Contnrs.TComponentList.GetItems (Line 381, "Contnrs.pas" + 1) + $6
[00494E12]{hfs.exe     } Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 7670, "Forms.pas" + 23) + $4
[00494E57]{hfs.exe     } Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 7689, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $6
[004950F2]{hfs.exe     } Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 7773, "Forms.pas" + 16) + $3
[0056D94E]{hfs.exe     } hfs.hfs (Line 99, "" + 22) + $2
System   : Windows 2000 Professional, Version: 5.0, Build: 893, "Service Pack 4"
Processor: AMD, AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2600+, 1920 MHz MMX
Display  : 1280x1024 pixels, 32 bpp
Product Versions

hfs.exe: Build: 0 10.03.2009 09:40:24

Offline rejetto

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[004ADBE8]{hfs.exe     } HSlib.ThttpSrv.getActive (Line 793, "hslib.pas" + 0) + $0
[005658D6]{hfs.exe     } main.TmainFrm.menuPopup (Line 11981, "main.pas" + 5) + $5

thanks for reporting.
i see the problem arose when you clicked on the main menu.
can you tell me if it was a strange situation, like the software was just started or you already commanded to quit?

Offline jimby

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Hi, Hope this is correct place for posting.

HFS seems to lose the file system. It has happened at random after a restart but I always save options so I just reload but today after windows performed an automatic restart the file system file was gone.

I'll list the steps as I remember them here (HFS beta 228):
. Started HFS (beta 228) and was informed that an update was available (beta 229)
. Allowed up to go ahead which ran a script.
. After script had run file system had disappeared.
. Re-loaded from saved file.
. Today logged into machine running HFS and noticed that windows had restarted due to system update.
. Opened HFS and file system was empty
. This time when I attempted to load saved file it was not there. It should have been in same folder as HFS.
. The user accounts appear intact.

I run the server on a dedicated laptop which has no screen. I use Ultra VNC to manage it and no-one else has access.

If there are any other details you'd need then let me know.


UPDATE: I noticed that there was a vfs.vfs.bak file. Did HFS create a backup and delete the original somehow?
« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 04:31:24 PM by jimby »


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Also this version does not archive, corrupted tar file. ???


Offline Mars

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For my part, I work on a solution of the problem, I know the symptoms, but not the side effects.

The management of files in the real subdirectories is not correct in the procedure addSelection ();

Offline rejetto

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UPDATE: I noticed that there was a vfs.vfs.bak file. Did HFS create a backup and delete the original somehow?

hi jimby, and thank you for reporting your accident.
HFS renames the current vfs to bak while trying to save the new one.
after the saving is complete, the bak is deleted unless you enabled the option "backup on save" (menu -> virtual file system).

apparently problems like yours should happen only while saving.
maybe HFS was automatically closed by the system.
reports like yours are made from time to time.
i fear HFS doesn't handle the Windows shutdown the right way.

Offline rejetto

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Also this version does not archive, corrupted tar file. ???

yes, i have to work on it, yet.
i published this build because there were other news.