if the resource of the real folder in VFS has a space into his name, the "open it F8" can't work
fixed, thanks
if the external editor has a space into the name, he is not launched with F6 or ALT+F6
mmm, no, it is launched correctly, i just tested.
nonEmptyConcat('', tplEditor, ''),
you want to append empty strings, why you should do it?

with the macro EXEC the good syntax is:
{.exec|C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe|"c:\program files\filename is allowed.txt".}
every time the full path cointain a space you have to add "..."
yes, this is a limit due to the fact that ALL command line parameters are passed in that macro parameter, and space is used to separate them.
{.exec|C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe|c:\program files\filename not allowed.txt.} is not allowed
to save some asses, i will test if the parameter exists on the file system, and in such case i will automatically add "quotes". this works only if the file exists.
the file name can include a pipe with this syntax:
{.exec|C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe|{:"c:\program files\filename with a | pipe is allowed.txt":}.}
exactly... this is also reported by the wiki