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Offline Kremlin

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Well, what i did was modify the RAWR template to my own visual preferences. This was the result:

Sorry but can't post the code just yet because i'm still modifying and will only be ready in the summer time.

Cheers  8)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2009, 09:51:45 PM by Kremlin »

Offline scgdavis

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I have TOG and my MP3 player doesn't work.  It detects the files but does not stream.  What is the problem? ???  Any ideas? ::)

Offline Dimitri87

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hello everybody, i have this template, but unfortunately it haven't the support for the "archivable option", can i add that??, however there is a version of this template with this support?? thanx

Offline rejetto

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the archive is just a link to: ~folder.tar
in html: <a href='~folder.tar'>Download archive</a>
put it where you want

Offline Fysack

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yo thexfile That dude that put that green wallpaper on the wall came first.

Offline actionjackson27

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Check it out - I'm still perfecting the template, but this is how I have mine looking so far:

I shouldn't say 'mine' because the layout and graphics are heavily..'borrowed' from another pretty popular website. I basically just downloaded the entire other site and started re-fitting everything to work with HFS. I just couldn't help myself because I knew it could be done, and I knew it would end up looking great.

Don't know how much of a good idea this was (:P) but I did not remove any original designer credits on the template - My server doesn't take THAT many hits so I figured little harm done.

I want to put the source and images out for it soon..It's just not perfect..Can anyone tell me where they've seen this look before? :D

PS. I borrowed bits and pieces from almost everyone's code (including ToG, as you can probably tell from the file layout, which rules BTW :P - I have not removed anyone's 'comment' sections for credits to the original designers, if applicable.

Lots of scripts and 'fun stuff' from works great with HFS as well! For novice to intermediate developers there's a lot one can do to 'spruce up' the functionality of these already awesome existing templates.

Thank you to everyone working on the HFS program, it's a great piece of software to have!

Offline Sapphirescales

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Well, I can't share the code as of yet, but here's a snapshot:

I've added the ability to create/delete folders, rename files/folders, I've added an admin panel, I've added the cool icons from TOG to the RAWR template, I've added the ability for users to change their own passwords, I axed the RAWR player (replaced it with one that wasn't so....intrusive), and I've added a whole new stats bar at the bottom of the page (you can't see it in the picture).  All of the code for this was found on these forums and other places on the net, but I heavily modified most of it.  I had the sidebar on the left side for quite a while, but I decided to move it back to the right side.  I'm still working on it a lot.  That's why that ridiculous "Search Google" link is still on the top navbar.  I added that way back when I first got this template as a test and I never got around to removing it. :P
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 01:54:52 PM by Mars »

Offline Metalheim

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Well, I can't share the code as of yet, but here's a snapshot:

I've added the ability to create/delete folders, rename files/folders, I've added an admin panel, I've added the cool icons from TOG to the RAWR template, I've added the ability for users to change their own passwords, I axed the RAWR player (replaced it with one that wasn't so....intrusive), and I've added a whole new stats bar at the bottom of the page (you can't see it in the picture).  All of the code for this was found on these forums and other places on the net, but I heavily modified most of it.  I had the sidebar on the left side for quite a while, but I decided to move it back to the right side.  I'm still working on it a lot.  That's why that ridiculous "Search Google" link is still on the top navbar.  I added that way back when I first got this template as a test and I never got around to removing it. :P

Wow, Sounds Great !
And it sounds like a lot of programming work to patch in a different stream player etc.

Can't wait to see Code  ;)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 05:13:53 PM by Mars »

Offline Sapphirescales

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Naw it's not difficult to change the player.  Simply replace the .swf file.  But it has been giving me some trouble lately so I might eventually switch to the new RAWR player version that's supposed to come out soon if it has some significant improvements.

I might have to take the RAWR player apart and see what I can do with it.  I can't stand the fact that it doesn't disappear when you move your mouse away from the video.  I thought you could just change that when embedding the player, but It's not working.  I might have to take apart the fla file and take a look. :D

But to be honest the RAWR player isn't that great when playing MP3's.  Sometimes it's all scratchy and skips around.  The new player I embedded works much better (though there are some glitches).

EDIT:  But you should know that this new code isn't for noobs.  It's about three times as long as the original.....maybe longer.  In addition the file associations and links are pretty sensitive.  Because of this, I'm just going to put it all in an archive and insist that you don't move anything unless you know EXACTLY what you're doing.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 06:08:53 PM by austin »