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Streaming to PSP using HFS

Guest · 2 · 6591

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  • Guest
Hey, I've been working on a way to stream to a PSP for a couple days now and finally got it! Although, my original plan was to use a stand alone web server that I created in the program, it worked well until the streaming part at which I got COMPLETELY lost. XD. Anyway, I gave up on the stand alone server and just used some scraps of the code, and came up with an XML Compiler. Now, there may be a lot like these on the internet, but, since this was originally a web server, I made it so that you can recompile the XML over the internet! Yay! Now just to be sure, this program does NOT host ANY files over the internet WHATSOEVER. It merely acts as a buffer between the client and the computer.

Now, how does this work? Well, here are the steps...
1. Setup HFS so that it works on your computer. (If you need to do portforwarding, forward one extra port for later.)
2. Configure it however you like. The html template is irrelevant. One thing you need to do, however, is to go to Menu->Other Options-> MIME Types... If you cant find it, make sure your in Expert Mode. And also make sure you, have the latest beta build.
3. Once you are in MIME Types, add a row, and put "*.xml" for the first column, and "application/xml" in second column (Without quotes for all of them.)
4. Only one more thing needed to be done. XMLRecompiler requires a Root Directory. This means that it only takes one folder as a root (sub folders can be accessed). So gather all music into one folder. Then place that folder into the HFS Root Directory. (It HAS to be the root directory.) 
5. Download the class file here. Open it in the command prompt. Look online how to do this. But, mainly, all you do is navigate to the same path as the .class file using "CD" and then type "java XMLRecompiler" or whatever if you have renamed it.
6. It will prompt you for your external IP Address. You can find it at Then it will prompt you for a port. Use a port, but not a port that is in use. Next, it will ask you for the port HFS uses. Find that out. And finally, it will ask you for a Root Directory. It must be th full path name of the folder that you are hosting on HFS. Example: Hosting My Documents... You would put, "C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\My Documents" or something along the lines. Do not put a slash at the end.
7. If all goes well it will say something like this. "httpServer running on port <your port>"... It may take awhile for this to happen depending on the size of the Root Dir (It is compiling the XML document at that point. It looks through every sub folder in the root dir.)
8. And now for the final step, open the root directory in explorer, and look for a file called, Something something.xml. the something something should be the name of the folder. Example, My Documents.xml. Drag this into HFS so HFS is hosting it. And you are finished! Go to your psp, go to your HFS server. Click on My documents.xml, or whatever it is named, and it will prompt you to add an rss channel. Do so, and, go to it in your Rss channel section. There, streaming music from your pc!

Now, that was the basic setup of the rig. The reason its called XML-RE_compiler, is because it compiles it online. So, say you have more than 100 items in your folder. (PSP can only show 100 items at a time.) And their all in different folders within the root directory. Well, you simply go to the web page, and click on the "Go!" button for one of the folders to recompile the xml with the songs in that folder. To do this, follow these quick steps,
1) Start XMLRecompiler.
2) Set it up.(External IP, ports, and directories.)
3) Go to the site http" YourexternalIP: theportyouchose/"
4) You will see a rather bland site but it will have the folders of the root directory in there. Simply scroll down, and you will see the other folders click on one, and the server will automatically change the xml for you.

Thats it, if you have any problems, or something doesn't work right (as it probably wont work 100% right) post here. (Also, if your streaming your music using the rss channel, and you recompile the xml not from your psp, but from a computer, you will have to refresh the channel to see the changes. Just go to your web browser, open it, close it, then go back to the rss channel.) Also, I can see people saying, this thing is a virus or something, so I'll post the source in a .txt file as well as the class. If you believe the class is different then the source, get a compiler, and compile the txt file.


  • Guest
Woops... Just realized why it wasnt working when I downloaded the class file... Posted the wrong ver. Here, try this one.