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No news is good news

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Offline bmartino1

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Suprise to visit the four to see very little activity. May final have a chance in spare time to re take a crack at.compilong source or linux vitiral machine setup(as wine has upgraded again)...

Just thought I'd post something. :P
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline LeoNeeson

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Yes, that's right, no new is good news. :) I'm also still waiting for the next stable version (2.3l Build #300), but I always keep my eye here, visiting the forum for any news (even if don't have the time for post something, I try to read every new post). I hope Rejetto is doing well with the wild cold Europe is currently having. Cheers...
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Offline Fysack

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Yea. Thats as stupid as when Marie said: What a f, why is it taking so long to get war soliders in Clash of Clans. When her ratio was 1:5