Hello there..
Lately I receive the following messege too many times.
After getting the error everything works okay, no need to restart the server again.
Here it is..
Access violation at address 00455588 in module 'hfs.exe'. Read of address 00000004
HFS 2.0 alpha20
Stack list, generated 29/09/2004 14:39:45
[00455588]{hfs.exe } Forms.TMonitor.GetBoundsRect + $10
[0040413F]{hfs.exe } System.@HandleAnyException + $33
[004ED10F]{hfs.exe } main.TmainFrm.timerEvent (Line 3402, "main.pas" + 4) + $0
[0045581B]{hfs.exe } Forms.TScreen.GetMonitor + $B
[00455A3F]{hfs.exe } Forms.TScreen.FindMonitor + $23
[00455532]{hfs.exe } Forms.TMonitor.GetHeight + $A
[004566EB]{hfs.exe } Forms.TScreen.MonitorFromPoint + $27
[004A4F72]{hfs.exe } ComCtrls.TToolBar.CheckMenuDropdown + $22E
[004A0E81]{hfs.exe } ComCtrls.TToolButton.CheckMenuDropdown + $39
[004A39D8]{hfs.exe } ComCtrls.TToolBar.CNNotify + $B8
[00467E78]{hfs.exe } Controls.TControl.WndProc + $188
[0046AE1B]{hfs.exe } Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[00451919]{hfs.exe } Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $421
[0041DE72]{hfs.exe } Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList (Line 3097, "classes.pas" + 1) + $7
[0042F74C]{hfs.exe } Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $98
[0046AA98]{hfs.exe } Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0046AAAD]{hfs.exe } Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $41
[00428CA0]{hfs.exe } Classes.StdWndProc (Line 10565, "classes.pas" +
+ $0
[0046AE1B]{hfs.exe } Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[00451919]{hfs.exe } Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $421
[0041DE72]{hfs.exe } Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList (Line 3097, "classes.pas" + 1) + $7
[0046AE1B]{hfs.exe } Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[004A4599]{hfs.exe } ComCtrls.TToolBar.WndProc + $231
[00467C48]{hfs.exe } Controls.TControl.Perform + $24
[0046AF53]{hfs.exe } Controls.DoControlMsg + $23
[0046B5D1]{hfs.exe } Controls.TWinControl.WMNotify + $D
[00467E78]{hfs.exe } Controls.TControl.WndProc + $188
[0046AE1B]{hfs.exe } Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[004A4599]{hfs.exe } ComCtrls.TToolBar.WndProc + $231
[0046AA98]{hfs.exe } Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[00428CA0]{hfs.exe } Classes.StdWndProc (Line 10565, "classes.pas" +
+ $0
[004A435B]{hfs.exe } ComCtrls.SendDropdownMsg + $63
[004A452C]{hfs.exe } ComCtrls.TToolBar.WndProc + $1C4
[004A4588]{hfs.exe } ComCtrls.TToolBar.WndProc + $220
[0046AA98]{hfs.exe } Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[00428CA0]{hfs.exe } Classes.StdWndProc (Line 10565, "classes.pas" +
+ $0
[004587B5]{hfs.exe } Forms.TApplication.StopHintTimer + $15
[00457B1F]{hfs.exe } Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $83
[00457B56]{hfs.exe } Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[00457D76]{hfs.exe } Forms.TApplication.Run + $96
[004F5CE4]{hfs.exe } hfs.hfs (Line 49, "C:\code\mine\hfs\hfs.dpr" + 12) + $7
System : Windows XP Professional, Version: 5.1, Build: A28, "Service Pack 2"
Processor: Intel, Pentium III, 650 MHz MMX
Display : 1024x768 pixels, 32 bpp
Product Versions
hfs.exe: Build: 0 25/08/2004 19:00:44