Yep yep

Thanks for your thoughts.
As a web language medium/novice, I know how to search this kind of informations, the reason why I didn't is because I like to make sticky choices, and "hacking" a free tool doesn't fit in my thinking of sticky things, no offense.
Also you're right, I know they'll deny and ignore me, but that's not the purpose ^^
I'll Try to explain

Going that way, It would be better to look at your source code to know which hidden parameter(s) you throw to your server for it to accept to send an answer (quite easily I think), first it would be more accurate because you test a lot of ports, second, if it dies HFS project would probably be dead too, so my GUI won't serve anymore.
But I won't do that for 2 reasons, first the archive contains HFS, so it contains the test, if it fails with my GUI, users can still try with HFS (but yes, that would make my GUI a bit useless), second, I'd prefer asking you to use your testfile.php instead of doin' it in your back, I hope that a freemaker like you understand why.

Another thing is that I already put a server in place, I just got unlucky with a domain reset that follow an orient-extremist hacking...
So yes, i'm in search for an open alternative to my self port probing, but I'd like it to be legitimate so that I haven't to rewrite it each monday :p (yes, honesty and lazyness ^^)
I'd like to keep the whole thing a free and clean thing that doesn't rely on unrelated/hacked services.
Sorry if it feels like moralism, that is not. I just explain my opinion, but I don't force anybody to agree/accept/reject... just my thoughts