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Today is my 18th birthday :)

NaitLee · 6 · 16728

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Offline NaitLee

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... But no one cares about this  :'(

Here is my most familiar place, so I speak something here :D

The age 18 means a lot at almost everywhere.

Many ones say that I'm "pre-matured" "since i'm small". But now that I have a reason to say "you are wrong" to them.

I coded many, but got few attention. I don't want to get polluted by proprietary, but I still want my creations to help ones get better, get more freedom to their computing rights.

I trust GNU philosophy, which will be a hard step in a world with surveillance. Rather than failure expected by eyes around me, I got a "victory" at here, created my own HFS template & HFS (yeah, see signature 8)), brought light to HFS world. Though this land is small, but with infinity fun!

I learnt JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, and now C#. I'm not one that always stick at one thing till die. I even bought a book that teaches anime drawing for game creation. A person should always follow "learning" in his life.

Everyday my mind echos some annoying stuff, somewhat like "you must use WINDOWS to complete your daily task here", "ActiveX is the most ADVANCED technology in this world, so we should use IE to surf the Internet"... ... Wrapped by these disgusting things, I really to escape, escape to a far-far land without control by so-called "big companies". Windows do good as a personal OS, AX is sure a fun thing in the past. But they should not be used as a reason to stop discovery. I used GNU/Linux for one year to complain about this, but who cares? ... ... All in all, I HATE them, that's why we should FIGHT against them.

Also ones say who talks too much **** is only saying, without any real effect. But, God knows how many kind persons enjoy giving to others, and also how many helpless persons enjoy them? 人之初,性本善。Do not get your eyes masked by a piece of leaf.

This is more like a presentation. But, these are what my heart thinks. Please, let's enjoy this day, which is another peace day to hack  ;D ;D ;D

"Computation is not forbidden magic."
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Offline LeoNeeson

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Happy birthday! :)

I share most of your feelings about HFS. To me, HFS means freedom. Running a web server gives people freedom. Sadly, almost nothing really changed about user's web habits over the last 15 years, and most people wants to live an 'easy' life with everything 'already cooked', meaning they will prefer using WhatsApp than Jabber/XMPP, or choose Chrome instead of a more open browser (yes, I know about Chromium, but it still has many ties to Google). Even the classic email is dying slowly. I'm 20 years older than you, and everything seems to change too fast, at least for me. I know you love 'new web technologies' (that's good, and learning new things is even more cooler), but I believe the web should have much more backwards compatibility. Lately, every 3 or 6 months I'm being forced to update my browser, since some websites directly stop working, and they doesn't work anymore with a 'not-so-old' web browser (that's bad). For me, the problem are not the 'big companies' but the 'ideals' (morality) that they have behind. Chrome is redefining the web, as if it owned the web (and nobody truly owns the web). My motto is "Incompatibility means weakness!" (taken this from some web). Two interesting reads about this, are HERE and HERE. And another very good blog article about this is HERE.

About your 18 years, if you have some free time, go outside (leave your room) and have some fun with a girl (invite her to have some walk together), or spend some time with your friends (or go to some new place to meet new people). Have fun and enjoy this day! :)

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Offline vladimirov70

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    • Honest news about a special military operation in Ukraine.
Happy Birthday friend ! I wish you a strong spirit and good health! You started your journey right. I support your beliefs. On this forum you are in good company)))
Ukraine has been killing thousands civilians in Donbass for eight years. Ukraine killed 152 children and wounded 146. Russia does not start wars - it ends them.

Offline rejetto

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I'm sorry I'm late to say happy birthday NaitLee :)

to me it's not important if big companies play a big role in progress, as far as the progress is open and people are free to use and reproduce the technology on their own.
The web is evolving fast because the scope of possibilities is expanding too. I often prefer using a web app instead of installing a native one.
The era of closed technologies for the web (activeX, flash) is over.

Offline NaitLee

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Thank you everyone! 🥰🥰🥰
"Computation is not forbidden magic."
Takeback Template | PHFS

Offline danny

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... Many ones say that I'm "pre-matured" "since i'm small"...
More swagger, better posture
That is good! 
...I coded many, but got few attention...
because you are smarter, and your audience is trying and wants to catch up.
That is good!
« Last Edit: August 29, 2021, 07:22:27 PM by danny »