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a method to get folder size

rejetto · 18 · 35480

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Offline rejetto

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Hello, i came to this idea

method to display the folder size instead of just folder.

1. It works only for real folders.
2. it won't care of files/folders filter that may actually reduce the stuff shown by your HFS.
3. This is thought essentially for large folders, that you must decide when the size should be refreshed. It's not fully automatic.


step 1. make a batch file like this

FOR %%s IN ("C:\music";"C:\my other folder")
DO du.exe -m -s %%s > %%s\foldersize & attrib +h %%s\foldersize

you can find du.exe in a package at
(attached at bottom for your convenience)

step 2. put this in the diff template of the root, in HFS

Code: [Select]
{.$item start.}
<td align='center'>
{.if|{.^size.}|{.substring|| |{.^size.}.} MB
<td align='right'>%item-modified%<td align='right'>%item-dl-count%

i'm not actually using this, but i thought it would be good to share it, and maybe you can improve it. ;)


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' ---------------------------------
' Hariprasad Radhakrishnan
' Save script as folder.vbs
' Run script from cmd prompt C:\Scripts\cscript folder.vbs >FolderSize.txt  OR
' Run script from cmd prompt C:\Scripts\cscript folder.vbs  OR

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
 & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colSubfolders = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
 ("ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_Directory.Name='C:\'} " _
 & "WHERE AssocClass = Win32_Subdirectory " _
 & "ResultRole = PartComponent")

For Each objFolder in colSubfolders
'Loop Begins

'Echo Folder Name
 Wscript.Echo objFolder.Name
On Error Resume Next

'Pass Folder Name from WMI to FSO - Hari

objfsoFolder = "" & objFolder.Name & ""
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(objfsoFolder)

'Covert objFolder size from bytes to GB
FolderSizeGB = formatnumber(objFolder.Size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024),2)

'Echo foldersize
Wscript.Echo "Folder Size = " & FolderSizeGB & " GB"

'Wscript.Echo "Folder Size = " & objFolder.Size & " Bytes"

'Counter for Number of Folders

'Loop Ends

'Echo Total Folder Count
Wscript.Echo "Total Folders:  " & Fcount

Offline rejetto

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you should tell something more if you want help

Offline LightBright

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Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.GetFile(strWindowsdir & "\explorer.exe")
MsgBox("file size = " & f.size)

Offline r][m

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Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.GetFile(strWindowsdir & "\explorer.exe")
MsgBox("file size = " & f.size)
@ LightBright
Could you give example about how and where to use this with HFS?

Offline rejetto

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Attached the script for csv output

Offline raybob

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But then how can HFS be used to capture the output of that VBS script?

Offline rejetto

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by using the "out" parameter of {.exec.} command

Offline rejetto

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Offline raybob

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I GOT IT !!!!!!   I'm not sure if this slows down the page load though....

Under [folder=file], put

Code: [Select]
{.if not|{.=|%item-size%|0.}|{:
{.set|vfsdir|{.vfs to disk|%url%%item-name%.}.}
@cd "{.^vfsdir.}"
@For /F "tokens=*" %%a IN ('"dir /s /-c {.no pipe||.} find "bytes" {.no pipe||.} find /v "free""') do @Set summaryout=%%a
@For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=)" %%a in ("%summaryout%") do @set filesout=%%a&set sizeout=%%b
@Set sizeout=%sizeout:bytes=%
@Set sizeout=%sizeout: =%
@Echo %sizeout%
{.exec|C:\foldersize.bat|out=sizeresult.}{.set|foldersize|{.round|{.div|{.div|{.^sizeresult.}|1024.}|1024.}|2.} {.if|{.^sizeresult.}|MB.}.}

and then under the size column put

Code: [Select]

« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 01:59:25 AM by raybob95 »

Offline rejetto

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but... is this script meant to run every time i load the page?

a side note about scripting. You wrote
{.if not|{.=|%item-size%|0.}|
since 0 is considered false, then this is equivalent to
{.if not|{.not|%item-size%.}|
that is equivalent to
that's nice and lighter

Offline raybob

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Yeah that's the thing it runs every time the page loads.