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TSG · 1 · 22236

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Offline TSG

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    • RAWR-Designs
I have created this post for the most frequently asked questions about our applications, templates, and other things.

Are the RAWR-Designs projects free?
Yes most things created by RAWR-Designs are FREE, and OPEN SOURCE, provided you abide by the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. We just ask that you respect our intellectual property, a lot of time and effort goes into making these templates.

How do I post modifications of the template on the rejetto forum?
This is simple. Provide only what is needed, but with the same file/folder layout as the template build modified. Releasing the entire template allows users to download an entire modified version of the template from the rejetto forum. If you think it will be easier to post the template as a whole, just remember to credit our work.

The latest release template appears scrambled or broken?
An easy fix, update your HFS to the latest Beta.

I updated to the latest HFS Beta but the template is still not working?
Check the Template Settings, in [special:strings], it is the very first part of the template.
Also, check that the 'template' folder is beside your hfs.exe. It can help.

You say that the templates support multiple languages, but I cant figure out how to change it?
In the Template Settings [special:strings] change it to a valid value, the latest releases have these listed. If you would like to supply a language file of your own language, post it in our other languages thread. You can use the en.txt from the 'languages' folder in the latest build of the template as a guide. Not all of our projects support multiple languages.

Thumbnails, previews or slideshow not working?
Use the Thumbnail and Preview Generator supplied for our templates.

Is RAWR-Designs still active?
No. However bug and security patches will still be applied when necessary.

Will you be updating the templates for HFS 2.4?

Will the website return?
No. There is currently a mirror of the projects here:

Will the templates be available on GitHub?
I am considering this as a way to future proof the templates.

If none of these FAQ's are helpful to you, or you would rather discuss the problem, by all means, post on the forum!
« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 01:40:32 AM by TSG »