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Messages - Brostin

Pages: 1
Finally my problem is solved. After applying all your suggestions and failing to solve I moved on and started checking other aspects. And I found that the problem of not loading the File System was due to the fact that the folders to be published were not local but on the network path.
Basically what I understood is that HFS, if launched from a folder in the traditional way, can publish both local folders (e.g. C: \ Folder \ my folder) and network folders (e.g. \\ myserver \ mysharedfolder \ my folder) .
If launched through the AppToService application with the generation of a Windows service, the only folders that can be published are local ones and therefore HFS must be present on the usual server where the folders are shared.
So, in summary, I currently did the following:
1) Installation of AppToService;
2) Creation of the Windows HFS service;
3) Start the Windows service;

Obviously, all the configurations listed by you in the previous posts have been applied.
I hope I explained myself. Thank you all

A greeting and thanks first of all,

then, the problem was partially solved as the template is now correct mail File System is empty. It does not load the correct one. It seems to me that in your previous post I referred to a post but the link does not work.
However now the situation is as follows: HFS works but the file system does not load.

This happens either that after launching the service I then proceed manually launching HFS. In both cases the file system is not seen. It can only load if I launch HFS the traditional way and that is without the service. Thanks

Greetings to the Forum,
I use your help for information on how to launch HFS and load both my template and my file system. I would like to use the webserver through a service that is provided to me by the AppToService application. Unfortunately I am forced to use the service because HFS is loaded on a Windows Server 2012 and every time the connection is closed the webserver stops. I managed to configure AppToService and start the service with HFS but the problem is related to the fact that the correct file system and template are not loaded or the ones I would like to load.
How can I solve it? Thanks

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Start HFS as a service
« on: July 22, 2019, 07:34:08 AM »
Forgive me ... you could explain to me how to do what you suggested, that is

..if you use the service option hfs needs the ini saved to file to run from a batch script that runs from a user account.


HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Start HFS as a service
« on: July 19, 2019, 03:55:42 PM »
Greetings to the forum,

they are struggling to use HFS as a service and not as a traditional program.I tried to configure the service through the Windows 2003 Microsoft Resource Kit and srvany.exe. The service is loaded correctly but in fact does not work and the web interface does not open.
I need to use HFS on my 2012 server and above all solve the problem related to the fact that if my user is not connected the program does not work.

HTML & templates / How I can reduce the size of the home page ?
« on: December 27, 2011, 02:44:25 PM »
Greetings to the forum, I need to open hfs home page within a frame and I would be able to reduce the width of the page. Can you help me ...?? thanks

Italiano / Re: Ma un utente può cancellare un file ??
« on: November 02, 2010, 10:32:48 AM »
In effetti non vorrei permettere che chiunque possa cancellare. Il mio problema però si manifesta in quanto, sebbene provveda a creare uno user e allo stesso conceda di cancellare... non riesco a vedere lo strumento per la cancellazione. Sarà forse perchè sto utilizzando un template differente a quello di default...???  Quello che posso fare da interfaccia web è solo effettuare il download... ( Il template grafico è RAWR-Template-0.1.3...)

Italiano / Re: E' possibile....
« on: November 02, 2010, 10:27:42 AM »
In effetti è come dici tu. In alternativa al download posso risolvere con esegui. Il problema si è manifestato in quanto alcuni applicativi, a differenza di altri, non riescono a lanciarsi ... pazienza... in questi casi prima provvederò al download. Grazie

Italiano / Re: E' possibile....
« on: November 01, 2010, 10:10:00 PM »
Dunque, mi servirebbe poter lanciare l'installazione, ad esempio di office 2003, sul client dell'utente. Non parliamo quindi d'installazioni server...

Italiano / E' possibile....
« on: October 25, 2010, 01:12:21 PM »
Salve a tutti, prima di formulare la mia domanda mi scuso per l'eccessivo utilizzo da parte mia di questo forum ma l'interesse per questo sw è tanto e vorrei usarlo al meglio. La mia domanda è la seguente: è possibile, anzichè consentire all'utente il download del file, permettergli ad esempio di lanciare una procedura d'installazione attraverso il click sul file stesso..?...Grazie

Italiano / Ma un utente può cancellare un file ??
« on: October 20, 2010, 12:05:27 PM »
Salve, volevo chiedervi se HFS prevede o meno la cancellazione di files da parte di un utente generato in HFS. A quanto pare si visto che la funzione è presente ma non ho capito come funziona...potete chiarirmi...grazie e un saluto

Italiano / Modificare la root a seconda dell'utente
« on: October 17, 2010, 11:10:03 PM »
Ciao e complimenti per il tuo software. Volevo chiederti come posso impedire ad un utente che accede ad una cartella di terzo livello di poter salire al secondo. In sostanza vorrei poter personalizzare la root a seconda del login utente. Ciao e grazie

Pages: 1