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Offline LeoNeeson

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@bmartino1: Yeah, Google reCAPTCHA could be used, but the beauty of HFS is not to depend on external services.

Possible solutions (for adding in the source code):

- Create a captcha with Delphi.
- Using an Image control to draw the Captcha.
- Tutorial on How to Install a Captcha on Delphi.

This gives me an idea that something like this could be used to make a "captive portal", so the user is obliged to solve the captcha before access is granted to any file or resource.

(I think all this should be "moved" to a new thread, since it's not related to the 'Chat for HFS' thing)
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 10:56:56 PM by LeoNeeson »
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Offline bmartino1

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Offline username1565

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Google capcha.
This need Internet, and reCaptcha not working in LAN.

I guess it could be done using a macro that calls a command-line utility that generates a captcha. But it will be complex (at least for me, it's beyond my knowledge and time).
I already did this Javascript-canvas-captcha:
Also, I saw drag and drop captcha's with JQuery:
and here:

This may to allow the upload steganography pictures
to uploadable folder in HFS
without spam,
and host nanoboard on onion domain, in TOR.

Here is my example for uploading files to HFS uploadable folder. Attachment1.
See the code and comments in the source code.
And if you have any questions, just ask me here, In This Thread.

Attachment2, - contains filelist.tpl to return the clickable links,
by URL: http://IP:port/upload_files/UPLOADED_FILES/?search=*.png
and the PNG-pictures (containers) from this clickable links - is parsed by nanoboard soft.
So any HFS can host the nanoboard in the TOR, as thread with containers, by onion URL.
This file just need to put near HFS.exe - to get response with clickable links, and then this response is parsing good.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 02:43:57 AM by username1565 »

Offline username1565

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I already did this Javascript-canvas-captcha:
Here is my example for uploading files to HFS uploadable folder. Attachment1. []

Also, I think, the script for uploading files for HFS,
must be published in the separate thread!

1. I did this multiuploading form with preview:
Just select files with pictures.
But... There is multi-uploading and selecting files working by click button.

2. Here:
you can see Drop Zone, and there is allowed "drag and drop" many files.
In the last example, you can see progress-bar.

3. I did combine this all to one clickable drop-zone:
Now this is clickable, and progress-bar - added.
But... There is no available the copy and paste...

4. Here:
You can see contenteditable div, and there is allowed copy and paste text, HTML, and pictures!

5. Here:
You can see uploading files, using CRTL+V (but only one file).

So... Can anyone help me to combine this all to for multiuploading?
I want to do this:
1. Selecting many files for uploading by clicking the button.
2. Selecting many files for uploading by "drag and drop" in drop-zone.
3. Add the files for uploading, with random filename, when puctures was been pasted,
after press Print Screen button or copying this as image from HTML (right click -> copy as image).
4. Add image, as file for uploading, with random filename (+ preview),
    if dataURL or base64 was been pasted in contenteditable DIV.
5. Copy and paste the files, using CTRL+V keys, to selecting this for uploading on HFS.
6. Locally working script, client-side, without remote libraries, like JQUERY, or bootstrap.css, etc (or existing this files on localhost).

Can anyone help me to realize this all in one script?
« Last Edit: January 18, 2019, 11:23:55 AM by username1565 »

Offline bmartino1

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Each site:

Will need to be completely download and there files skimmed and edited to the needs.

Alot of scripts...

Look in to DJ post, I recall a template he made that doesn't have of this.
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline username1565

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This using server side software, not client-side.
Also, this not supporting the DataURL, like this:

Code: [Select]

Offline LeoNeeson

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Can anyone help me to realize this all in one script?
For as much I would like to help you, currently I don't have the enough time to try to do something (and my HTML/JavaScript knowledge is very limited), sorry. :( Perhaps dj or Mars have more experience on this...
HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline username1565

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I just try to upload the file on HFS upload folder, and upload this file - using XHR-query, with enabled async., url, async), url, true)
And I see: Invalid HTTP status code 405
When async is false file uploading working good.

Do you planning to add support for async uploading?
Without async uploading, I cann't see uploading-progress, using xhr.upload.onprogress
like here:
« Last Edit: January 25, 2019, 02:25:35 PM by username1565 »

Offline rejetto

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i don't think the async is the problem: indeed the server has no way to distinguish it, it's totally a client matter.
The problem, getting a 405, is surely a cross-domain request.

Anyway, in your jsfiddle points to a php file, so i don't see how HFS can be involved.

Offline username1565

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i don't think the async is the problem: indeed the server has no way to distinguish it, it's totally a client matter.
The problem, getting a 405, is surely a cross-domain request.

Anyway, in your jsfiddle points to a php file, so i don't see how HFS can be involved.
rojetto, I enabled CORS in browser, so this is not cross-domain problem.

As you can see, from that jsfiddle-code, the string:
Quote "POST", "", true );
means: send, the POST-query with file, to the URL:, with async = true;
because syntax for XHR is
Quote, url, async)
When acync = true;
The event function:
xhr.upload.onprogress = updateProgress;
is working,
and you can see the progress status (changing percentage)...

But HFS not supporting async = true, and cann't give the progress status for uploading...

If I change the URL
I can upload the files to HFS only with async = false,
and in this case, I can give only status on finishing the upload:
xhr.upload.onload or xhr.upload.onloadend,
but not xhr.upload.onprogress (when async = false)...

So I cann't see THE PROGRESS of uploading when async = false.

If HFS will supporting the uploading with async = true,
I can see the uploading status onprogress,
and also, I can use wget, Aria2, for example,
or this c# method:
and many others...
This all not working, if async = false, and need async = true ;)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2019, 10:36:22 AM by username1565 »

Offline bmartino1

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Quote: "
This all not working, if async = false, and need async = true ;)


So I understand a bit better for testing this?
So your having issues with the xhtml codes when trying the async option?

What tool are you using to view the header? I use Wireshark and chrome built in html console.

My next question is are you using a xhtml doc type and file format?
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline LeoNeeson

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@username1565: Please upload and post the exactly template file you are using that gives you that error, so we can try to debug your error. Keep in mind that HFS only supports .TPL template format and it doesn't understand .PHP (it will take it like a normal .html file). So, for example, if you use 'upload.php' HFS will take it as a static page like if it was 'upload.html' and that could be the reason of this not working. That's why I've ask you if you can post here the file you are using...
HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline username1565

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What tool are you using to view the header? I use Wireshark and chrome built in html console.
I just can see the headers of queries - in the tab "Network" in Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome.

My next question is are you using a xhtml doc type and file format?
No. Just HTML, javascript and XHR queries.

@username1565: Please upload and post the exactly template file you are using that gives you that error, so we can try to debug your error.
I already send it, in that jsfiddle.

Keep in mind that HFS only supports .TPL template format and it doesn't understand .PHP (it will take it like a normal .html file). So, for example, if you use 'upload.php' HFS will take it as a static page like if it was 'upload.html' and that could be the reason of this not working. That's why I've ask you if you can post here the file you are using...
That was been example code. Yeap, there is using PHP, but on another server,
and as you can see, there is working UPLOADING PROGRESS, when async=true.
Quote "POST", "", true );
If you will change this to false:
Quote "POST", "", false);
and press "Run" again,
then you can see "4", after FULL UPLOADING,
but you cann't see UPLOADING PROGRESS.
Because async = false.

Ok. After undedstanding this,
I want to tell you that
then, using that code, I changed the link to the link of my uploadable folder on HFS:
Quote "POST", "", false);
And got status OK, BUT after uploading. As you can see, async = false.

But... After trying to see progress, I changed async - to true:
Quote "POST", "", true);
And got 405 ERROR - method not allowed. No any progress. And no async=true working.

And, as I said earlier:
This all not working, if async = false, and need async = true ;)

Also, I tested this С# code:
client.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(address));
And this working with HFS local URL's. Hm...
« Last Edit: March 07, 2019, 06:37:54 AM by username1565 »

Offline rejetto

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rojetto, I enabled CORS in browser, so this is not cross-domain problem.

i don't know what "enabled cors in browser" actually means, but i was not saying that cors was disallowed by the browser. It's HFS not supporting it.
CORS requests happen to generate an extra "OPTIONS" request, and that is not supported by HFS, returning a 405 error, indeed.
HFS accepts only GET/HEAD/POST requests.

Offline username1565

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i don't know what "enabled cors in browser" actually means,
but i was not saying that cors was disallowed by the browser.
It's HFS not supporting it.
If you want, you can test this yourself with extensions to enable CORS.
For example, I'm tested this on Google Chrome, with extension:
CORS requests happen to generate an extra "OPTIONS" request, and that is not supported by HFS, returning a 405 error, indeed.
HFS accepts only GET/HEAD/POST requests.
After testing, you can know the reason of error - definitely, and... How to fix it...

I thought earlier that the problem is that HFS does not support ajax async=truе. Hehheh.

Have a nice day.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2019, 02:34:37 PM by username1565 »