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Topics - Mars

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 8
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / MOVED: Link to an OVH domain
« on: March 21, 2020, 06:19:01 PM »

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / MOVED: Send via email
« on: October 21, 2013, 07:00:31 PM »

HTML & templates / MOVED: linebreaks for comments
« on: October 12, 2013, 03:25:56 PM »

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / MOVED: Error: no response was received
« on: September 16, 2013, 06:57:45 AM »

Bug reports / How putting in check of hfs
« on: March 24, 2011, 08:57:01 PM »
Quote from: Used reference text
procedure keepTplUpdated();
if fileExists(tplFilename) then
  if newMtime(tplFilename, tplLast) then
  if tplLast <> 0 then
    tplLast:=0; // we have no modified-time in this case, but this will stop the refresh
end; // keepTplUpdated

1) Execute hfs with a personalized template

2) Verify the web page by means of the browser

3) Rename the template filename without closing hfs

4) Refresh the web page of the browser, the default template is used on the place of the other one

5) close hfs with saving options

6) Relaunch hfs and refresh the web page

The shown page is of one such whiteness  :D ;D

if you restore the personalized template, everything becomes again normal

Conclusion: To resolve this loss of external template it is enough to settle by adding a line

Quote from: main.pas
    if h = 'tpl-file' then tplFilename:=l;
    if h = 'tpl-editor' then tplEditor:=l;
      if h = 'graph-visible' then
      if yes then showGraph()
      else hideGraph();
   // extra commands for external use
     if h = 'load-tpl-from' then setNewTplFile(l);  //WARNING TO REJETTO This line is not any more used
  except end;

if not fileExists(tplFilename) then tplfilename:='' end;

if not alreadyStarted then
 // i was already seeing all the stuff, so please don't hide it
  if (build > '') and (build < '006') then easyMode:=FALSE;

other bug with his solution

 if you replace the external template by one with the same name, the modification is not taken into account in hfs because of the following line in classeslib.pas:

if getMtime(fn) <= o.ts then exit;  //remove the < char

HTML & templates / MOVED: magnifying glass???
« on: December 30, 2010, 10:58:43 AM »

Programmers corner / build 272 what is wrong or missing
« on: December 18, 2010, 08:21:53 PM »
Already indicated
 procedure handleItem(f:Tfile);  //main.pas
    type_, s, url, fingerprint, itemFolder: string;
    nonPerc: TStringDynArray;
  //We have to make an exception with virtual links
  if not f.isLink and ansiContainsStr(f.resource, '?') then exit; // unicode filename?

  if f.size > 0 then inc(totalBytes, f.size);

New: The rerouting login is wrong  when the destination does not exist,It was necessary to me to erase cookies concerning HFS under firefox to obtain the web page because hfs jammed because of it.

   function getAccountRedirect():string;   //main.pas
      acc: Paccount;
    acc:=accountRecursion(data.account, ARSC_REDIR);
    if acc = NIL then exit;
    if (result = '')  or ansiContainsStr(result, '://') then exit;
    // if it's not a complete url, it may require some fixing
    if not ansiStartsStr('/', result) then result:='/'+result;
//add by mars 18/12/2010
   if fileExistsByURL(result) then exit;
    add2log('Error on redirect with account '+acc.user+crlf+'The path is invalid :'+ result);

    end; // getAccountRedirect

this can help the admin to detect bad redirect path under accounts dialogbox
procedure ToptionsFrm.loadAccountProperties(); //optionsdlg.pas
//add by mars 18/12/20010
if (a.redir>'') and not fileExistsByURL(a.redir) then redirBox.color:=clRed;

for i:=0 to length(tempAccounts)-1 do
  if and (i <> accountsBox.itemIndex) then

end; // loadAccountProperties

procedure ToptionsFrm.applyBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
// this is necessary to refresh the account box when we click on the apply button
 selectAccount(accountsBox.itemIndex);  //add by mars 18/12/2010

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