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F.A.Q.s / Re: A way to display *.mp3 tags
« on: November 06, 2007, 06:26:29 PM »
You can try this mp3toion, which now use first parameter as a template
Thank you very much xitsa. As I am not familiar with code it took a while till I understood how to change the update.bat but it works.

To make me completely happy it would be nice to have the technical details like bitrate too. ;-)
This I found:

Is there someone who knows enough about Delphi and has a developer kit, to do this?

F.A.Q.s / Re: A way to display *.mp3 tags
« on: November 04, 2007, 07:52:20 AM »
when spaces occur, the solution is often to "quote" the filename
Thank You rejetto. I knew that but as I did not understand the batch-file (update.bat), I did not know where to place the quotes.
Since yesterday I read a little about batch-files and now I know I have to put "%~dp0" in quotes.

But the main problem is still unsolved for me.
Mp3toion.exe needs its ini-file in the directory in which it is working in. As this directory changes all the time in the loop it doesn't have the ini-file in the subdirectories in which it is executing. Without the ini-file to read the parameters it executes with the defaults in the program and that are only %2 and %1.

I don't know whether and how to resove this in an batch-file.
Maybe it is necessary to change the program itself but I know even less about Delphi than about batch-files. ;)

I like this solution with the detailed information from the ID-tag in the descript.ion very much, but without a working batch-solution for subdirectories would be far too much work to do. My MP3s are sorted:
First directoty (root): MP3s
First subdirectory: Initial letter of the artist
Second Subdirectory: Artist

F.A.Q.s / Re: A way to display *.mp3 tags
« on: November 03, 2007, 10:52:09 AM »
A *.bat to fast descript.ion update:
Code: [Select]
@echo off
for /r /d %%a in (*) do (
  pushd %%a
  %~dp0mp3ToIon.exe in %%a
Put mp3ToIon.exe and Update.bat in root directory and run Update.bat.
It recursively walk through subfolders and run mp3ToIon.exe there

I tried "update.bat" and it does not work in my directory-structure. I think that is because my starting "root-directory" for my MP3-files is a subdirectory of upper directories with spaces in it.
If I start it from a root without spaces in the upper path, it does not work as wanted either:
The descript.ion-files in the subdirectories don't get the descriptions I configurated in my ini-file. They contain only Interpreter and Songtitle. The descript.ion-file in the root is build in the correct way. The reason for this is obviously that mp3ToIon.exe doesn't read the ini-file, when working on subdirectories of the root. Instead of this it takes the constants in the exe. If I place the ini-file in the subdirectory too, all works as intentioned.

I have to admit that I don't really understand the code in the Batch-file.
My understanding in batch-code is very basic.
Can anybody tell me what I have to do, to make it work properly.


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