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Topics - gangooparsad

Pages: 1 2
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / dynamic Dns updating with HFS
« on: September 19, 2011, 08:47:05 AM »

i am writing this after ****ing up 2 routers...  :'(

the main reason for this post is if its possible to update a domain with dynamic dns provider?

now u may ask why are the routers being dragged into this? well i readsomewhere on the net that DDwrt supports updating of dynamic dns service, and i tried to flash ddwrt to my routers and succeeded but failed to get connected to my ISP...and screwed up the router by trying to flash back the orginal firmware...well thats my loss...

but i really need to used as it is hosting my paid domain for free....unlike which is asking me for money for dydnds pro service.

can someone please teach me how to configure HFS to update my domain at

thank you very much

HTML & templates / Request : Mobile template for Nokia 5800 Please!!
« on: February 08, 2011, 06:58:20 AM »
Currently i am using TOG as my default template for HFS, however it take a lot of memory and GPRS charges on my mobile phone..

i tried to use the iphone template but its not really working good on my Nokia 5800,

Sorry i hate to bother the great teams of Template builders behind TOG, Live ... but if some can help me make a simple template for my HFS so i can read the text stories i have on my site. bascially the stories are converts from PDF to TXT and some .html, there is not special requirment for download upload button or anything else....just a list of files on my site and i simple click and the window opens to show me the text in small fonts so that i dont have to scroll so much...

many thanks for your help.


HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Running 2 instances of HFS on the same PC
« on: October 19, 2010, 08:11:24 AM »
Hi, did multiple search on forum and google but couldnt find a definite answer...

can someone please tell me how to run 2 instances of HFS on the same machine..



i have been using HFS for quite some time. and use the TOG template,

i have a quite a few files in my server that have asian name, which i am unable to view or download from my server, is there a fix for this?

please help thanks

HTML & templates / File with Asian language name cannot be displayed
« on: November 19, 2009, 02:07:02 AM »
as per topic any file withe asian or other language name other than english are not displayed properly....or are simply show as symbols and 0 bytes of data to them so cannot be downloaded.,

any langauge support?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / somthing is wrong
« on: July 30, 2009, 09:11:23 AM »
i am using dyndns, which is update by my router directly,

however i tried to use the hfs's builtin updater and after i typed in my address it forwards to

dont know whats happening!

Bug reports / HFS dont work with chrome...
« on: June 26, 2009, 04:39:30 PM »
well as the heading says it wont work with chrome....tried with IE and safari works fine... but wont open in chrome..

HTML & templates / stock template change
« on: June 22, 2009, 02:32:13 AM »
is there a way i can remove date time and the file type stamp in the index.html for HFS..

also i am trying to run 2 instances of HFS on the same pc but it wont run...i am using build 242 for my main page and the second one i am trying to use (which wont open) is the stable download version from

any help is appreciated.

Everything else / KF900 PRADA II
« on: June 05, 2009, 04:35:58 PM »
got myself a prada II LG phone...unfortunately it doesnt have flash...the browser isnt top of the line ...but phone is great as a messenger..

i have seen a mobile version of the HFS template a while ago but cannot find it anymore....can someone link it for me please...i was wondering if could have another instace of HFS running with mobile template which will let me use it on my mobile on the go...


first of all i love your templates...there is no doubt about this specially the preview functions...

unfortunately HFS doesnt work very good for me,

i need a very very huge favour which seems very lame as i am asking developers of another program to help me to work a very diffrent software.

i am using a webervser lets call is XYZ, the diffrence between XYZ and HFS is not much its very similar but due to my inability to understand HTML or any kind of programming i cannot use the terayon or TOG template with XYZ.

all i need is a stripped down version of terayon with search and preview functions so that it can work with XYZ. thats all.

if you guys can help me out please reply. or PM so i can tell you the real name or XYZ software.

thank you very much

RAWR-Designs / video preview
« on: October 28, 2008, 03:40:59 PM »
well the same question once again...any idea how i can enable video preview in TOG template 4.0.1?

just liek the preview i can do in MP3 file....

can you also please tell me where i have to insert the code? i am have no exp with html coding and stuff..

thanks alot

RAWR-Designs / HFS and streaming
« on: June 02, 2008, 05:02:39 AM »
well i am using the the Thunder Chicken of glory template a bit customized...

i wanna stream videos from my server so that i dont have to download them at office to watch them..

tried quite a few streaming servers but with mixed results...i read through the forums that HFS can add the streaming server but not sure how...i know i am asking for a big favour and pissing off quite a few ppl... but can someone please modify the below code for me so that i can copy paste it into my HFS and stream videos?

many many thanks

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / NAS and HFs
« on: March 30, 2008, 03:06:16 PM »
if this is in the wrong section, i am sorry.

i have a NAS which is basically a the storage device on the Wired network.

if i connect my PC through lan cable it can connect perfectly. but when i DC from wire and try to connect to the NAS through wireless it doesnt connect.

the PC and NAS are on the same network. i.e Home

can someone please help me with this Sh!t its pissed me off real bad.


HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Dyndns wont update
« on: March 10, 2008, 02:45:37 AM »
I am using HFS 2.3 Beta build 160, have already updated the settings in dyndns liek a 100 times but everytime it tries to update the dns it give an error.

so i went to the dyndns site and checked and my ip was actually already updated there.

so i typed in my url but it wont redirect.

however when i type the http://Http:// it works..

anyone know wats wrong? thanks

10:40:51 AM DNS update requested for 221.127.75.XXX: error: server error

RAWR-Designs / limited number of failed login retries
« on: February 27, 2008, 02:07:11 AM »
can someone tell me where i can find the opion for the failed number of logins until the {Unauthorized access} page shows up in the new TOG template.

i noticed that the failed logins are arouond 6 i want to make it 2.

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