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Messages - TSG

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HTML & templates / Re: template creator...
« on: October 01, 2006, 05:07:41 AM »
That would be an awesome idea... i am a multimedia student at university, and i can do HTML, and CSS no worries, but the way HFS works took a little while to get my head around, it would be nice for a template creator to be built for the newbie web programmers. One that a person could see the results instantly on each page of the HFS. Like a minature version of dreamweaver for simple HFS templates would be really handy. I know nothing about about building programs so i cannot help you with that... my knowledge is mostly about making thinks easily usable and look good :). I think ledufe was building a program for hfs templates aswell...

HTML & templates / Re: Share Templates
« on: September 29, 2006, 02:03:57 PM »
The Orange and Blue Template, has been put into this sticky, so it will forever be on top of the template forum for all to see.  :D

For a MUCH more detailed post go to the official template post:

Below is a preview of the template: < Reveals full res preview...

Below is the default download link:

HTML & templates / Re: HFS Black - The Black HFS Template!
« on: September 29, 2006, 12:03:36 PM »
The Orange and Blue Template, has been put into this thread, because it is the black template with some heavy modifications.  :D

For a MUCH more detailed post go to the official template post:

Below is a preview of the template: < Reveals full res preview...

Below is the default download link:

HTML & templates / Re: Pictures + Thumbs Preview
« on: September 26, 2006, 08:51:10 AM »
The Orange and Blue Template, is put in here cause it was the practice template for the thumbnail codes :D

For a MUCH more detailed post go to the official template post:

HTML & templates / Re: Pictures + Thumbs Preview
« on: September 25, 2006, 03:22:42 PM »
I tried this and it did not work... very strange.

HTML & templates / Re: Pictures + Thumbs Preview
« on: September 25, 2006, 02:28:23 PM »
The way mine works is that the file is actually in the directory of the images, and its a hidden file, so hfs cant see it, then yay we have jpg thumbnails.

ino i am qouting myself but i have found that since using the 2.1 beta 18 it is counting my thumbnail downloads and racking up the hit counter on the files as it downloads the thumbnails.

HTML & templates / Re: Pictures + Thumbs Preview
« on: September 25, 2006, 08:29:52 AM »
can this work with this template?
all my images show broken

I am unsure why it is not working for you i have mine narrowed down to just work with only jpg's, this is my code below.
<tr><td class=row style="color:#FF6633; padding:0">%new%<script language="javascript">var c='%item-name%';switch(c.substr(c.lastIndexOf('.')) .toLowerCase()){case'.jpg':document.write('<a href="%item-url%"><img align=absmiddle src="%encoded-folder%thumb/%item-name%"> </a>');break;default:document.write('<img align=top src="/~img_file">');}</script><a href="%item-url%"> %item-name%</a>%comment%<td align=center class=row>%item-size%<td align=center class=row>%item-modified%<td align=center class=row>%item-dl-count%</tr>

Ino its chunky but thats how my whole template source is, trying to reduce as many bytes as possible, i only have a 16kb\s upload  :P

The way mine works is that the file is actually in the directory of the images, and its a hidden file, so hfs cant see it, then yay we have jpg thumbnails.

This is getting long now so i will stop momentarily, i would rather use the hfs [file.jpg] code i have heard of, if that works on 2.1 beta 18 can someone tell me how to do that?  ???

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