There is not a bug with the sign '=' but only with the sign '?'
the problem does'nt exist until build 269, links with ? or = are not working with build 270, 271 or 272.

by creating two links with resources as
www.rejetto.com/forum/ www.rejetto.com/forum/?only the first is on the list.
I found a way to resolve the bug with the following line which exists effectively since the version 270
ansiContainsStr(f.resource, '?') then exit; // unicode filename?
Must be replaced by the line updated below
procedure handleItem(f:Tfile);
type_, s, url, fingerprint, itemFolder: string;
nonPerc: TStringDynArray;
//We have to make an exception with virtual links
if not f.isLink and ansiContainsStr(f.resource, '?') then exit; // unicode filename? //mod by mars
if f.size > 0 then inc(totalBytes, f.size);
@ rejetto : Probably in the following build ?