It's not perfect and I haven't had time to hammer out all the bugs, since most time goes to setting up a private server, but I seen the post and had been wanting to do the same for awhile now and came up with this, first open this file. "G:\MiniServ-1\template\rawr_default\code\rawr_previewbox.js" and then change the section Labeled //Initialization to the following:
// Initialisation
function initBox(target,file) {
ext = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf('.'),file.length);
ext = ext.toLowerCase();
if (disable == false) {
disable = true;
setTimeout('disable=false;', 350);
if(target != boxOpen) {
if(boxOpen!=null) boxFade(boxOpen,'out');
if(ext.match('.jpg|.jpeg|.png|.bmp|.tif|.tiff')) spawnIMGBox(target,file);
else if(ext.match('.flv|.mp3|.mp4|.m4a|.mov|.aac|.3gp')) spawnRAWRBox(target,file);
else if(ext.match('.divx|.avi')) spawnDIVXBox(target,file);
else if(ext.match('.vob|.mkv|.mpg|.webm|.wmv|.wma')) spawnWMBox(target,file);
else if(ext=='.swf') spawnSWFBox(target,file);
else if(ext=='search') spawnSEARCHBox(target,file);
} else {
as stated its not perfect has a few issues at times and needs a bit of work overall, like some webm files only play the audio, some play fine, some start to play as if they are ok then crash the player. As for mkv files they play great on all the ones I tried they being the subject of this post, although the buffering of the player needs adjusted to at least 10 to 15 seconds or the video maybe jerky at the start.