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HTML & templates / Apparently sorting by hits is supported in 2.1...
« on: February 02, 2007, 04:49:35 AM »
Here's the problem.

I have been editing the ToG and i want to put in sorting by hits because i read that this is now supported in 2.1, and it is also in the context menus of HFS to set as a default. Now what i want to know is why <a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=h">Hits</a></th> does not work? is this the right code, if not what is the letter used for sorting by hits.

If i have it correct. Go to my server and you will see that it is not working for some reason ???

<table class=table width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
      <th style="border:0px;"><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=n">File</a></th>
      <th><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=s" id=th>Size</a></th>
      <th><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=t">Age</a></th>
      <th><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=h">Hits</a></th>

Correct Code:

<table class=table width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
      <th style="border:0px;"><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=n">File</a></th>
      <th><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=s" id=th>Size</a></th>
      <th><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=t">Age</a></th>
      <th><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=d">Hits</a></th>


<table class=table width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
      <th style="border:0px;"><a href="?sort=n">File</a></th>
      <th><a href="?sort=s" id=th>Size</a></th>
      <th><a href="?sort=t">Age</a></th>
      <th><a href="?sort=d">Hits</a></th>

Whatever you prefer.


RAWR-Designs / Thunderchicken of Glory - 2.7.0 -
« on: January 31, 2007, 10:28:27 AM »
NEW BUILD RELEASED. Thunderchicken of Glory (build 2.7)

 - Doctype, UTF-8 and title set for each and every separate html section (page). (forgot  :-[ in previous builds), only became an issue when i used utf-8. fixed now.
 - Improved efficiency of the error pages. (less code).
 - Code Cleaned.
 - Code Tested.
 - Fixed the thumbnail height issue.
 - Basically tweaked it all over lol.

Please remember to set a folder called /thumb with nt.gif image inside (these are in the .zip). The current thumbnail height is set to 50px in the code, this can be changed very simply in the file.jpg .. section. If IE shows a red X in place of the missing thumbnail. this is normal. Please allow for a number of simultaneous connections if you limit them. it improves the thumbnail page load time. cheers.


Another build coming soon.

RAWR-Designs / Thunderchicken of Glory - 2.6.0 -
« on: January 29, 2007, 08:18:40 AM »
NEW BUILD OUT NOW Thunderchicken of Glory (build 2.6)

 - Now supports single player at a time. This prevents a user from streaming multiple songs at once. (Flynsarmy version of this)
 - Added the build number to prevent confusion on the ToG version you are currently using.
 - Mp3 player now has a pause button.
 - Image file sections condensed using [file.EXT = file.EXT0 = file.EXT1 ...]

Was built using LATEST HFS. It is recommended you use the latest version with this template.

Also updated the Orange/Blue with Thumbnail template with the new mp3 player method.


1 known bug with the mp3 stream method, if the filename has a ( ' ) in it, the Stream button will not work. If this is the case the user still has the option to open it in WMP, its an old known problem with js and hfs. Cannot be repaired.

RAWR-Designs / Thunderchicken of Glory - 2.5.0 -
« on: January 20, 2007, 10:47:25 AM »
NEW BUILD IS OUT NOW...  2.5 Requires at least HFS build 2.1d(082) to use all of the new features. Get it here, its still in testing:

Could run on an older build, but i would expect a few small glitches. As this uses the new graph colour option.

Download it from here:

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / File.EXT idea...
« on: January 18, 2007, 08:52:41 AM »
OK i have been editing the ToG and i have come across something in the template that i think maybe could be improved.   :)

In the template for images i have,
Code: [Select]
<tr class=off onmouseover="this.className='on'" onmouseout="this.className='off'">
<td class=rw style="padding:0px;border-left:0px;">
<a href="%item-url%" target=_blank>
<div style="position:absolute;z-index:20;" onmouseout="popUp(event,'t10')" onmouseover="popUp(event,'t10')"><img src="/thumb/%item-name%" alt=""></div>
<div style="z-index:10;"><img src="/thumb/nt.gif" alt="" align=absmiddle>&nbsp;%item-name%%new%</div>
<td class=rw align=center>%item-size%</td>
<td class=rw align=center>%item-modified%</td>
<td class=rw align=center>%item-dl-count%</td>

Now, this same code is used for .bmp/.gif/.png, i was wondering... if maybe it would be possible to allow a section of the template to be used for different or multiple specified file extensions, this would reduce redundant code in the template, and ease the editing process of the template. Something like this maybe [file.jpg/.png/.bmp/.gif] and the code piece in that section will be used for all of those file types... i know this wouldnt reduce the page load times or anything like that, but it would make the editing of the template easier. Similiar process could be used for ppl that use video streaming [file.flv/.mpg/.wmv/.swf] or music [file.mp3/.m4a/.wma/.wav/.aiff/.midi] or something like that....  ???

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / graph colours
« on: January 12, 2007, 07:25:03 AM »
I just had an idea!  :-\

It would be pretty cool if there was a way to customise the colours of the graph.... i looked through this forum and it seems that no one has asked this before.... It would be nice to be able to customise the graph colours to match your template using hex or rgb colour scheme. And of course having a default button to restore the hfs default colours ;D. I dont quite understand how the image works or even if this is possible at all... but i thought i should share this idea that popped into my head lol.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Template Feature Idea
« on: December 05, 2006, 07:08:51 AM »
I was wondering if it would be possible for a template tag that reveals an image dimension e.g.1024x768px, i mean there are others to show last modified and stuff, could it be a possible feature so the user knows what to expect before they click a thumbnail and load up a wallpaper or image? sounds a bit farfetched, but could it be possible?

Like when an image is attached to the forum, how you can see the resolution of the image, we can already see the hits, and the filesize, but is it possible to have a tag for dimension like, %img-file-dimension%.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Everything else / Browser Wars
« on: December 04, 2006, 05:00:09 PM »
I felt that we needed a new battlefield for the browser war going on in the "[file.jpg] and IE problem" thread.

So here it is  :D, a place for everyone to place complaints and argue over browser issues.

or or or or ?

To see where it all started go here:

Some good reference:

RAWR-Designs / Thunderchicken of Glory - 2.4.0 -
« on: November 30, 2006, 10:14:43 AM »
Ok since the new build of HFS has come out (HFS 2.1b build63), I have added the %ip% feature into the template (build 2.4). So now the Thunderchicken_of_Glory can show a user their own connected ip to the HFS server  :o, Fysack will be happy, he gave me the idea for the feature request.

Thanks Rejetto for this simple and yet effective template feature  :D

(as usual this is the default download location)

The Thunderchicken_of_Glory FINAL is almost done, i will post it very soon, i am just getting rid of a lot of minor bugs and making sure its working perfectly across many browsers.

RAWR-Designs / Thunderchicken of Glory - Latest Release (Unstickied)
« on: November 15, 2006, 07:04:24 AM »
Thunderchicken of Glory - 4.0.2

ToG 4.0.2 is the lightweight option from RAWR-Designs. Unlike ToG 3 and others this was written from the base code of RAWR-Template and has the following settings:

Code: [Select]

-/- Template Settings --------------------------\-

--- Available languages:
English   = en Dutch     = nl
Spanish   = es French    = fr
Italian   = it Polish    = pl
Turkish   = tr Russian   = ru
Chinese   = cn Ukrainian = ua
German    = de Czech     = cz


Note: Feel free to translate your own or correct
      a value. Use the English language file.
      Post corrections or translations by forum
      or email us - contact[at]

--- Other settings:

Note: Disable all modules to make the list fill
      the entire template width. To do this simply
      change the value to 'off'. The values must be
      set to either 'on' or 'off'.

-\- Permanent Settings -------------------------/-  

Use the Thumbnail and Preview Generator to generate thumbnails and previews that will work with this template.

NOTE: This template requires you to use HFS 2.3 beta.


No preview available here? Go here!

Thunderchicken of Glory v3.0.0 or greater is licensed under a:
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

HTML & templates / Problem with active transfers?
« on: November 14, 2006, 03:10:42 PM »
I am making a template and so far its completed all except the transfers window, for some reason i cannot see anything revealing progress, its just showing me the default i have set for [progress-nofiles].

The code below is the code i am using for these, they have no styles applied cause i am redoing all of this. Maybe not having any styles is the problem, but i dont see why this would cause the "No Active Transfers" to stay on the page.

The Code:

(Note: the original code i found this on is in the share templates forum)

                %done-bytes% / %total-bytes% bytes<br>Current Upload Speed: %speed-kb% KB/s
        <span><span style="width:%perc%px"></span></span> <div class=text><span>%perc%%</span>



        <span class=filename>%filename%</span>
                %done-bytes% / %total-bytes% bytes<br>Current Download Speed: %speed-kb% KB/s
        <span><span style="width:%perc%px"></span></span><div><span> %perc%%</span>


 ??? ??? ???

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / [javascript]
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:11:51 PM »
I have a feature request, although it may have already been stated.

It would be nice if you could define a javascript page like you do with a style page [style] so you would be able to go [javascript] and have all of them inside this.
They would then probably be linked with:

<script src="%javascript%" language="javascript" type="text/javascript" />


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">\n%javascript%\n</script>

I dont know much about doing this, but its just an idea that popped into my head.

RAWR-Designs / Orange/Blue Template
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:52:29 AM »
My Orange and Blue with Thumbnails template is available to all HFS fans!

Features on this template.
  • mp3 streamer.
  • Login system for the security conscious.
  • Button to return to top.
  • Cross Browser Compatible.
  • w3c compliant (well as far as hfs templates will go, some errors are necessary for the template)
  • Additional upload input code.
  • Browsable folder tree.

Below is the README which can also be found inside the .zip archive:

Author: That_Stevens_Guy
Location: Australia

This template is a modified version of the black template. All respects go to the creator
of that template, also thanks to all my mates on the forum :)

OK just import into HFS and replace **** SOMETHING **** with the directory or information you require, i have included all images used to make my one look pretty, but im sure u can handle adding it.

My version of the template is white/orange and navy blue, and has thumbnails in the place
of any .jpg .gif or .bmp link, as long as a thumbnail of the same file name is in the dir specified
in the code, which is found on the top level of HFS (/thumb) you should have no problems
implementing this template. This is also the level on HFS to put your Back.jpg and Firefox.jpg images. Do this with the mp3player aswell.

The template also incorporates a little form to search google from the hfs. Handy for me cause i have HFS as my homepage.

Have Fun!!!

To have a go at implementing the template you can download it via this link.

Here is a preview of the template: (link reveals full resolution preview)

The .zip file and the templates were actually kinda rushed together so tell me if there is any problems.

This .zip file is always updated as i improve the tpl.

This is Most likely the final version of this template!

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