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Messages - SilentPliz

Pages: 1 ... 75 76 77 78
Beta / Re: Testing build #178
« on: February 07, 2008, 02:40:01 PM »
And the comments as :
{{repeat|1| }} Choix de Softs libres très intéressants.

I'm sorry guys, but macros won't be available in comments for security reasons.

There was another bug with comments, showing an empty comment box for every file that has no comment. Fixed in next build. I wonder why no one reported it yet.

I'll check the diff tpl thing ASAP.

For "comments without comment," I noticed, but after finding problems on the diff templates, it seemed to me so little that I forgot.

The macro above was functioned before, that is no longer possible... It's a pity.

Beta / Re: Testing build #178
« on: February 07, 2008, 09:26:37 AM »
I confirm that there are conflicts with the diff templates.

And the comments as :

<IMG alt="" src="/~img4">
{{repeat|1|&nbsp;}} Choix de Softs libres très intéressants.
{{repeat|4|&nbsp;}} A découvrir...

have a display problem.
See attached image.

RAWR-Designs / Re: RAWR-Designs Translations
« on: February 04, 2008, 07:53:17 PM »
Automatic translation is a disaster.  (ex: In french a "chèque" is only used for purchase. ;D )

In french_fr:

Update module strings:
lv_checkNow=Vérifier Maintenant (or : Vérifier MAJ). The Best, but perhaps too long is Vérifier les Mises à Jour
lv_currentBuild=Version en Cours (or : Votre Version)
lv_latestBuild=Dernière Version

Shoutbox strings:
lv_noMsg=Aucun Message

Other strings:
lv_sortBy=Classer par

RAWR-Designs / Re: RAWR-Designs Translations
« on: January 28, 2008, 06:28:58 PM »
Correction for french translation: see attach .png

RAWR-Designs / Re: RAWR-Designs Translations
« on: January 28, 2008, 03:07:03 PM »
lv_uptime=Activité Serveur

RAWR-Designs / Re: RAWR-Designs Translations
« on: January 28, 2008, 02:44:02 PM »
re of re of re ;D ;D

RAWR-Designs / Re: RAWR-Designs Translations
« on: January 28, 2008, 02:18:01 PM »
Sorry, I was wrong to bar "Fermer les Transferts."
Put just "Transferts" or "Ferme Transferts" is valid.

There is no equivalent in a single word for "Uptime" in french, but if you leave it in English, I am confident that nobody will die. ;)

RAWR-Designs / Re: RAWR-Designs Translations
« on: January 28, 2008, 01:41:03 PM »
HI! lol

Ok, these are the problem strings.

Démarré depuis:

Total / téléchargements:

Envoyer des fichiers

Fermer la boite des Transferts

Other than those 4, it is a perfect translation, you even included ascii/hex :D

I would like to know if it is a problem of long strings or another, because I already tried to do shorter. And even shorter seems difficult.

PS: One proposition.

RAWR-Designs / Re: RAWR-Designs Translations
« on: January 28, 2008, 01:06:40 PM »
German Complete!

I had to replace special chars with ascii but its done now.

Now for French, will do it in order of submission.

Hmm a couple of strings need fixing, if anyone french is around i need your translation skills :P

Yes ?

RAWR-Designs / Re: RAWR-Designs Translations
« on: January 28, 2008, 10:00:15 AM »
This is a french translation.

Everything should be OK (I hope).

Forget the previous one .Txt
Here's the latest version:

Beta / Re: Testing build #174
« on: January 22, 2008, 05:03:14 PM »
I forgot to say, set item and add folder, are macros meant to be used by template makers inside section [special:import]
Could you please TSG post the example code?

{{add folder|real|template}}
{{set item|/template|hide}}
{{set item|/template|no log}}

HTML & templates / Re: HELP in need of an image gallery!
« on: January 20, 2008, 10:06:01 AM »

Very good photo album creator, like  "Arles", but free.

Interface easy to understand. ;)
The EXIF informations are displayed.
The main image formats are supported.
The types character encoding are numerous.
Options comments.
Multilingual software.
You can set the number of columns, images displayed at the same time, the size of thumbnails, slide show. And other things, depending on the chosen album.

Many design gallery exist.

Gallery test on my hfs:

ID:  test
Pass:  test

Beta / Re: Testing build #171
« on: January 14, 2008, 08:57:31 AM »
You should contact Comodo staff and report this false positive.
u're quite obviously correct, but are u sure that nobody fish your update download link? i just wander if somebody's ever heard about that.

False positives are common.
I also take this beta (like any other).

HTML & templates / Re: New CHAT.TPL
« on: January 12, 2008, 02:04:04 PM »
Im not sure if you are already using AJAX .. , but if you arnt I recommend that you give it..

 ;D ;D ;DIn my country, ajax is a domestic cleaner and I sometimes use it to wash me hands ;D ;D ;D

With ammoniac. ;D ;D ;D

Moi je le trouve pratique,et je l'aime bien.
Il manque juste une alerte lors des connexions.

HTML & templates / Re: New CHAT.TPL
« on: January 10, 2008, 07:12:47 PM »
Si tu veux jeter un oeil sur ton chat sur mon hfs, j'ai fait des modifs qui fonctionnent (zone d'affichage du dialogue style %comment%,) et j'ai placé des boutons smiley, mais je ne sait pas les faires fonctionner.

A côte de la zone d'affichage de la conversation, j'ai essayé d'insérer un textarea pour éditer directement le fichier chat.txt en temps réel... mais c'est pas pour aujourd'hui. :-\

Pages: 1 ... 75 76 77 78