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Messages - IvanRohnson

Pages: 1
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: My questions regarding HFS
« on: March 29, 2019, 05:09:40 PM »
In file tree of HFS (left hand view) right click select "add folder from disk"...
when prompted select "Real Folder"
It works recursively and updates automatically when files are updated / added..
Not sure how you are trying to do it now ?

PS.. You can of course drag/drop folder you wish to share into same left hand pane..

OK ,hello again, I need to do ONE more thing urgently: I will add folders from disk as you said (I will add 3 folders) and I provide download link to the root folder only. I then want that HFS searches through all the folders that I have added from disk under "root" and when it finds the file that client requests, to serve it automatically.

IF possible without having to write the name of every folder in Event scripts (just make it search automatically)

Again with simple words: I have my root folder. Inside my root folder I have many folders with different names and files inside.
I give the client a ling that redirects him to the root folder: root/
If is not located inside the root folder, HFS must search inside every folder under root automatically until it finds the file, and it must then serve it to the client.

Thanx in advance!

As the headline reads: does HFS program benefit from more than 1 core/thread or its a single thread program????

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Very annoying limitation!!!
« on: July 29, 2017, 09:29:55 PM »
Hello! I have a folder in HFS with tons of files. Sometimes I update a file,  (in my computer, without changing the file name) and when I do so, this breaks the HFS file system, meaning the file will no longer get downloaded!!! I have to drag and drop the file into HFS again, then switch off and switch on HFS!!!

But even when doing so I get an error because of duplicate file, and file cannot still be downloaded.

Can you please fix this?
can you at least make it so that when I drag and drop file into HFS, if it still exists I wont need to restart HFS to make the file downloadable again?

Thanx in advance!!!

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: My questions regarding HFS
« on: April 01, 2017, 08:17:05 PM »
The thing is, Oxyandy, the RealFolder and Virtual folder have many different options and limitations. I need the RealFodler to have same options as the Virtual folder but it just lacks them. No idea why the devs didn't add the same options for both type of folders.

FHFS / Should I switch to FHFS
« on: April 01, 2017, 08:02:16 PM »
HI guys I've been using HFS for oven an year and I suddenly needed to set up a quick FTP folder to share some big files with friends.

If I switch to FHFS can I use my current HFS config files, so that I don't have to configure everything all over again?


HFS ~ HTTP File Server / HFS keeps crashing, when is update comming?
« on: January 14, 2017, 10:12:42 PM »
Hello, is there a new version of HFS coming soon? Current version keeps crashing, and this is causing me a lot of trouble. machine is running Windows 7.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: My questions regarding HFS
« on: December 22, 2016, 09:55:05 PM »
Thank you soo much Liam Neeson, this helped me, but unfortunately still no one gave me solution to my prevoous questions. Its not a big deal, I am doing everything manual right now, but the files are less than 200-300 so it isn't that hard. I am used to do such a work on a PC...

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: My questions regarding HFS
« on: December 14, 2016, 06:10:39 PM »
Hi again, I have a new question/problem.

Skype is conflicting with HFS. Reason is Skype is occupying port 80 so that HFS cannot use it. I also believe that if I first start HFS and then start Skype, Skype will take over port 80 and even cause HFS to crash!!
I need help fixing this, because, I need HFS to work on port 80. Any other port will not do the job for me.
 :'( :'( :'(

Bug reports / Users "Windows" is not easy to understand
« on: December 11, 2016, 01:10:10 PM »
Hello, I would like to give my 2 cents towards the development of HFS and I would like to make a suggestion that guys vehind HFS remake the Users Accounts windows nad make it more intuitive
Right now its very hard to understand which account is doing what, and who can access/upload/delete files on the HFS file server. Its just hard to understand, the way it looks and works.

Can we just have a list of UserAccounts/Master/Admin accounts with simple tickboxes and advanced settings windows to make it more easy to understand which user can do what?
Right now there is and account "Can change password"?
What does that mean? Who can change password? There is no Username Set for this?
ITs hard for me to understand, may be you should still keep the "old" system and just add an alternative settins window to make it easier for the "noobs" to understand and set up.

My best regards: Ivan.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: My questions regarding HFS
« on: December 11, 2016, 01:02:26 PM »
Actually, it may be even simpler: User tries to download a file from "Folder1", which contains some files and some folders (folder2, folder3 etc. etc.)
SO if the file is not in the "rood" "Folder1", then make HFS try to search if the file is existent in Folder1/Folder2/, and if the folder is not existent in Folder2, then try to redirect to Folder1/Folder2/ until all folders inside Folder1 have been 'searched' for the file.

UPDATE: I am now using a stupid simple solution (not very optimized though)

I separated my files in their appropriate folders, created a "Physical folder" in HFS and then MANUALLY added each file from each folder into that "Physical folder" so that HFS will serve these files upon their request.

Not very clean and optimized solution, because whenever I add a new file to one of the folders, I have to find it and again manually add it to HFS so that it "registers" it and serves it.

May be you can add a n option "Add files from Folder" instead of just "add files"

- a new option that will add all the files from specific folder and when you add a new file, HFS will automatically register it and serve it when someone requests download.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: My questions regarding HFS
« on: December 10, 2016, 06:55:05 PM »
Hello Again. I am currently using this script, that should limit users which are not using userAgent "Setler" / "Setler2" OR users whose request does not contain "foldernameOne" OR "FolderNameTwo"
to download anything. (At least that's what I think this script should do.

{.disconnection reason|Not allowed|if=

I need to add the following thing:
When a user with UserAgent "Setler or "Setler2" connects and tries to download a file from lets say "MyPrimaryFolder", and the file does not exist in "MyPrimaryFolder", I want the request to be redirected to "MySecondaryFolder, and if the file is not existent in "MySecondaryFolder" I want the download to be redirected to "MyTertiaryFolder".

Can you guys give me a simple script that I will be able to understand and implement for my needs?  :o

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: My questions regarding HFS
« on: May 15, 2016, 04:53:46 PM »
Thank you very much for your replies, I will test everything soon and post again if I am having trouble.
What I do hope is that you will add all of the things I asked in this topic as "default native features", so that they are more intuitive for use.

"Mars", your post is extremely helpful, but still, it does not solve the following situation:

I want to have a HFS file server that is accessible by everyone no matter of their user agent.

I want to have a specific folder/folders inside the root directory that are only accessible by specific user agent.

Because right now with the script you gave me I can only restrict/allow connection to the entire server based on user agent.

Now regarding "rejetto's" post:
Lets say I use this script:

{.disconnection reason|Not allowed|if=

is "folder1" the name of the folder this script is applied to?
What does "vedere" stand for?

Can I modify this script to something like this:
disconnection reason|Allowed|if=

and only allow a specific user agent/s?

Thank you again and I hope you keep updating this amazing piece of software!

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: My questions regarding HFS
« on: May 02, 2016, 09:25:19 AM »
Unfortunately, what I need is to limit access based on UserAgent only to couple of specific folders. Does anyone know how to do this?

Another thing I need to do is to have files in different folders, for example I would like to have file named "" in "folder1", and "" in "folder2",

But when someone tries to download using the link /folder1/, I need to have him redirected to the correct folder, in this case /folder2/  , so that the file will be automatically downloaded.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: My questions regarding HFS
« on: May 01, 2016, 12:13:31 PM »
Hi again, I tested HFS today

> GET /Setup.exe HTTP/1.1
> Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*
> Referer: http://localhost/
> Accept-Language: en-US
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; MATMJS; rv:11.0) like Gecko
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> Host: localhost
> DNT: 1
> Connection: Keep-Alive

Now I remember that the "client" is called "UserAgent"

So the correct question #4 would be:
"How can I allow only specific UserAgents to download files hosted by HFS program?"


I will try this in Alt+F6 and report if it works!
BTW, how to comment out stuff in this scrip file? # or / or ; ?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / My questions regarding HFS
« on: April 30, 2016, 10:09:18 PM »
Hello guys and thank you for amazing piece of software!

I have used Apache for Linux before but I am an Apache/Linux beginner and now I need to use HFS on Windows:

My questions are as following:

Is HFS using real alphabetical indexing for filenames?
Can I restrict direct access to directory, and only allow people to download files ONLY if they know the exact file name? (and use direct link to the file)?
Can I restrict types of clients that can access files hosted by HFS?
For example allow only clients using specific browser/client/software version?
Can I make it so that the filenames/directories are not case-sensitive (just like using apache Module "Spell"?

Thank you in advance for your answers, I need HFS for something more specific. Please note that I am Apache/Linux beginner and if HFS can provide these features it will allow me to achieve what I am trying to do with less effort.

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