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New user looking for some help

Scottt · 3 · 2118

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Offline Scottt

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Hi all I have just set up hfs and I am trying to make some changes, I have run into a few problems and was hoping someone might be able to help me out or point me in the right direction.

My first problem is when I do a search for files hfs crashes, searching for folders works ok.
I am runing hfs 2.3 build 248 with rawr-designs template. I do have lots of files on 3 hhd's and would be happy to just search for folders if it could be the amount of files that is causing the problem. I am unsure what bit of code I would need to change in the template to set the search box to default search for folders and not files.

My second problem is trying to stream avi files, mp3 audio and mp4 video work ok, Looking through other posts leads me to belive that this is down to divx player due to username and passwords setup on hfs. If anybody knows if this has been resolved and could point me to the answer I would be greatful. If not I could allways convert my files as a last resort.

My third problem is when adding thumbnails to jpgs the thumbnail folder is not hidden and windows will not allow me to hide it, the jpgs are on a external hdd connected to my router. the jpgs on my local drive work ok. I am using tpgen. anyone know a work around?

Also in the Statistics box it will show 2 connections when only 1 user is logged in, is there a way to change this so it will show the number of users connected.

Thanks in advance for any help

« Last Edit: November 15, 2009, 03:43:24 PM by Scottt »

Offline Kremlin

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For the search part this is the code I use (I only did a quick search since I did this a long time ago, and didn't test this in a new RAWR template)

Search Issue

JavaScript Code:
Code: [Select]
/* Search Form. */
function folderQuery() {
frm = document.folderForm;
if(frm.query.value.length < 3) {alert(lv_searchAlert);} else {
document.location.href = "http://"+serverHost+"?folders-filter=*"+frm.query.value+"*&recursive&files-filter=%5C";

Template Code:
Code: [Select]
<div class="modContent" id="Folder_Tasks">
<form action="javascript:folderQuery();" name="folderForm" method="get">

Stats/IP/Connection Issue

Template Code:
Code: [Select]
[stats = stats.htm|no log]
<span>[%uptime%]</span>{.!lv_uptime.}:<br/><div class="divide"></div>
<span>[%total-downloads%]</span>{.!lv_totalDownloads.}:<br/><div class="divide"></div>
« Last Edit: November 15, 2009, 04:16:04 PM by Kremlin »

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welcome Scottt!

1. can you try to find which folder is making HFS crash?
you may eventually look at the "exceptionlog" file that's created. it may contain useful info for me to fix it.
you may restrict to folders as workaround, but i'd like to just fix it. ;)

2. never met the solution.

3. i don't exactly know how the thumbnails folder is handled by tpgen, etc.
anyway, there are many ways you can hide that folder.

one is to hide the folder, as an attribute of the folder, at system level (i mean, Windows).
by default HFS will not show hidden items.

another one is to right click on the folder, in the Virtual File System pane, then "properties" > flags > hidden.

if such folders have all the same name, let's say "thumbnails", you can right click on the home/root > properties > file mask > folders filter
enter this value:

there are even more methods, but i hope it's enough.