If you find the latest version to not work like this, please tell me.
Should we start a new topic for the Unicode problem? If we are really going to say this here, it may confuse many ones due to how complex the encode problems are...The previous tests I done are did with alpha3, not so well; but with the new alpha4, it looked better.
As the encode problem should be tested in a full environment, install several versions of Windows with various language(sub-encodes of ANSI), it's really hard for us to summary a solution to solve these things.
Grammar here may not good...
First is the page encode problem, on alpha4 with Takeback (saved as utf8 without BOM), it will not mess-code, but the last utf8 char in a string seems got sliced from its raw data...
On alpha3, saving template with utf8 w/o BOM will cause messcode(characters without meanings), with BOM/ANSI will not, and works well;
On alpha4, saving with utf8 w/o BOM will cause the last utf8 char sliced, with BOM/ANSI will cause messcode(almost fullscreen of ? in a diamond shape)...
There's also another thing I want to say: the end of line sequence (Windows as CRLF, Unix as LF)
before alpha4 the eol sequence is not so necessary, but in alpha4 when I save my template with LF it also gets a messcode(same as with BOM or ANSI)...
Second is the username problem,
Currently I tested 2 usernames: 會 and 老八,
In Original(default) template:
with a English username I successfully logged in, but with both the usernames I got a "400 - Bad request".
In Takeback:
On alpha3, try to login as 會 will cause a connection stay in HFS connection list with a status "receiving", and as 老八 it says user not exist;
When the username data storaged in alpha3 "take a trip" to alpha4, they are shown as masscodes. I renamed them as they can show correctly in alpha4.
On alpha4, as 會 it still stays there with "receiving", but as 老八 I successfully logged in.
... Ahh, let me take a break from these weirdies...
Edit: I see the login(signin) of my template is unstable in certain condition in alpha4, sometimes the logout works, sometimes cannot login... But give me more time to test them again first...