Ths for reply.
I have vpn connection with login/pas provided by my ISP.
Ip4. There's no difference in these 2 lans (global and city). It's the same 1 vpn connection. And port is the same. For example I create a torrent and there are 2 peers. One from my city and second from another.
So I get 100mbit upload for local peer and 10mbit for outer one.
If I want to connect to another user I just create a vpn connection and use his Ip. Tbh there is no network in which I can see other users/share folders etc. But still It's 100mbit connection between us. Works for any torrent client, icq clients, remote access soft like radmin or teamviewer, also with ftp servers like xlight. But I cant make HFS work with it.
P.S: For torrent upload tracker info it's {http://myip:RandomPort/announce}. So I guess it's not protocol problem. BTW - HFS' settings are set to default.