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HFS stopped working after installing Router..

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Offline syaoran7li

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Hey eveyone....

Nice to Meet you all... well ive been using HFS for like years now... and i loved it... but a few days back i bought a new wifi router "Belkin F7D1301 v1" and this router doesnt have a built in Modem so im using my modem which the ISP gave me... so the connection goes like this

the modem is connected to the router by ethernet cable, and the phone line is connected to the modem..
the router is connected to cpu using ethernet cable.....

this is wat my connection looks like..

So the problem is when i try to send files.. the other person whom im sending files says the page wont open... but when i checked it on my browser it opened.... then i came to know tat i have to portforward.. so went to tat portforward website.. and did like they said... i have attached a portforward image... tats wat i did to the router.... after doing tat i cant access HFS myself either.... and i gave self test and it showed an error.. i have attached the image of tat error too....

so is there any way to make HFS work again.....????

Hope u guys can help me Thanks.. ^_^

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You have forwarded in the NAT table of your router the port 2080, and your hfs-server is using port 7000.
Set HFS to user port 2080 and retry.
Also, in the router you only need to forward TCP traffic, no need for UDP.
your computer has no brain - use your own !