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Taking a summer break and some time off

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Offline LeoNeeson

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Hey everyone! :) Some of you might already know (those who contacted me via private message), but for the rest, I want to let you know that I’ll be stepping away from my computer, the forum, emails, etc. for a few weeks. It’s summer over here, and during this time (from January to about March/April), the weather allows me to do some home projects that aren’t possible at other times of the year (like painting, general cleaning, and small repairs).

I just wanted to mention this, so you could understand why it might take me a while to respond or provide detailed replies (I will probably check things once a week). It’s not due to a lack of interest or anything; it's just a little break from all the tech stuff during these hot weeks. But when summer is over, I’ll be back around more often! ;)


PS: I'm closing this topic since it doesn't need any further comments.
HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline Mars

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It's not a big deal, the cupboards and the freezer are full, we won't starve to spend your return. ;D ;D

do your job well and don't force too much on the tequila during the aperitif breaks 8) ;)

PS: I'm closing this topic since it doesn't need any further comments.

 ;D all the ways of the lord are not impenetrable
« Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 01:31:53 PM by Mars »