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Topics - NaitLee

Pages: 1 2
HTML & templates / I've updated the Template Gallery in wiki!
« on: September 25, 2020, 10:45:54 AM »
I've slightly updated the Template Gallery in wiki,
as this can provide an overview for new-comers to select their flavored templates. ;)


There comes a new template working in progress: the NanoLight template.

Its goal is to act like a terminal, build a bridge between administrators and the server, and also convinient file sharing.

But you may wait for a long time, as I really have few time to work on this.

  • It's a powerful console! With highlighting! (powered by Microlight.js)
  • Its HTML part is lightweight. Though it has heavy JavaScript, it will be cached.
  • It may inherit some useful parts of Takeback.

See snapshot for a day dream? :D

Plan & Progress:
(O) Basic usability
(O) Basic commands (ls/dir, help, cd, clear/cls etc.)
(O) Basic design, "theme" command
(O) Basic I/O system
(O) Basic command parse (quotes, switches, arguments etc.)
(...) Client-Server communication, server-side command execution
(...) Advanced "cd" command (No refresh)
(...) Advanced command parse (pipe, variables etc.)

HTML & templates / Want some ideas?
« on: September 05, 2020, 03:18:48 PM »
School life stuck me down. I cannot continue my work these days, but I'd like to put some of my ideas about a template.
Feel free to take them to reality :D:
  • A template that turns browser to a terminal, turning yourself to a hacker! (I'm planning on this!)
  • A template that acts like a mini-game, play games to get a file!
  • A template that can open a document and let several users (clients) edit it cooperatively.
  • A re-present of RAWR-Templates to modern HTML5, as many ones want them.
  • ...
Additionally, if you are just a guest without the ability of making templates, you can also put your ideas here. :)

Wish more people could join this community, make HFS better. ;)

Have you ever heard about a "dual-core browser"? Templates of HFS may be shown with a broken interface in them.

They have two browser cores for users to switch: Webkit (Chrome, new) and Trident (Internet Explorer, old).
Can be seen mostly in China. For example, 360 Safe browser, 2345 Browser, QQ Browser, Sogou Hi-speed browser, UC Browser, etc.

In this way some old websites will be displayed correctly. Eg. Mini-game (Flash) sites, old-fashioned bank sites or other sites that use ActiveX.
But most of these browsers make Trident (IE) their default core, caused many problems.
Especially sites hosted for personal sharing use, have no records in these browsers, being displayed with IE core, and broken.
More severe in OS with older IE version (as Windows 7 and lower).

To solve such problems, we need to add some meta tags in HTML head:

Code: [Select]
<!doctype html>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <!-- Below 3 metas makes so-called dual-core browsers (360 Safe Browser, etc.)
        use Webkit to render the page by default -->
<meta name="renderer" content="webkit" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge,chrome=1" />
<meta name="force-rendering" content="webkit" />
<!-- ... -->

<!-- ... -->


By testing in a virtual machine, (I don't want to pollute my computer)
    this seems only works in a few amount of these browsers.
Except using old-old coding standard, anyway to solve these tough problems? ???

P.S. I just suffered enough from these browsers, as well as other old-fashioned computer-related anti-humanity things existing around me.

HTML & templates / no jquery
« on: June 25, 2020, 11:13:32 AM »
(Going to make multi-file select to Takeback. Almost done.)
A question: in a folder, after getting (only) selected filenames, how to archive them without jQuery?

Programmers corner / Encrypt password between client and server
« on: June 14, 2020, 07:35:55 AM »
Currently when we change our password, the password sent to client is not encrypted.
When we login, the password is dealt with sha256. But if hacker hijacked the result, he can still do things with correct ajax method.

So beside https, how to get the best effect of encryption between client and server?
I think, The message sent between client and server should be hard to deal.
And we should find a way, to send password/encryption-related message without/cannot fully seen by hacker.

Scripting command: Data manipulation maybe useful as there are some mathematical things.
Additionally, {.get account||password.} can get original password, {.sha256|A.} can make it undiscoverable, {.time|yyyymmddhhMMss.} can get a timestamp...

Anyone can share a bit suggestions? :)

I made a stuff which can make a HFS template and its addons to just one file,
thus it will be never confusing for users that cannot deal with many files.

Especially useful for dj's mobi-light and its addons. Use them with just several clicks.
Can be used to connect other files too.

See the attachment below.

There are several files in the zip file, extract them somewhere you want.
Put the main templates the same folder as this tool.
There must be a folder called "addons" to keep this tool run normally. Put your addons inside.
It's beta. Please report bugs and suggestions.

Update: this tool can work normally now

This thing is just a shell to rejetto's FileBuilder.
Addon shell powered by Visual Basic 6.0 & Windows Batch (command line).
Source code of this stuff is available. Seems messy this time...

Beta / 2.4 beta unicode problem
« on: June 01, 2020, 10:49:05 AM »
I had already tested with various browsers before, but all of them have problems...

Your uploads were fine, I see the file 哲学.ppt is already fine also in my browser now...

But the file 生活处处有哲学.ppt, which is the original filename for the problem test, goes bad. Also try that please?
Sorry for offering a filename with no problem...

A discovery:
 Multi-byte ansi characters have something interesting --
 These chars almost goes with 2 bytes in ansi,
 but in utf-8, they are expressed in 3 bytes.
 So, I found that: if the numbers of utf chars are odd, the upload fails with orphan non-print byte. If it's even, it succeeds.

中文 - Chinese / 在找 HFS 的中文资源吗?在这里哦 ;)
« on: May 03, 2020, 08:28:22 AM »
大家好,我把 HFS 2.3m 和它的内置模板给翻译了一遍。(2.4 测试版的见下一篇)
对于 HFS 本身,要使用 hfs.lng 文件,除了一些程序内置的文本外,都在这个文件里面。(看下面的附件,在压缩包里)

  • 解压附件里的“HFS简体中文翻译文件.zip”
  • 把里面的 hfs.lng 移动到 hfs.exe 所在的文件夹中
  • 启动或重启 hfs,就大功告成了!


和大佬 SilentPliz 的版本配合更佳:

对于 HFS 的默认模板,附件里也有一个可用于 2.3m 模板的 hfs.diff.tpl;还有用于 2.4 测试版的 def 3.0.tpl.zh-Hans.txt。要使用它们:
用记事本打开翻译文件,Ctrl+A 全选、Ctrl+C 复制,然后到 HFS,右键根目录(房子和斜杠 /),点最后一个配置,点中间的 diff template 选项卡(自定义模板),粘贴在下面的文本框,确定,就可以了!


非常感谢! ;)

Discover its Main Page!

Last update: for both HFS 2.3 and HFS 2.4 RC

With the layout of Throwback, but looks cool!

Also, supports skins to hfs-2.4- and throwback-style.

What's different is, it's feature rich, stable and can be considered as a "core".

Anyway, just try it!

Poll: Do you want a tool for creating templates easily?

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