Hi! The essence of the problem. I transferred files from the hard disk C to an external SSD drive, the disk E. The URL of the files was obtained by dragging the files into the HFS window. Saved the file system to a file, copied it to 3 different locations. It's important to me.
Yesterday there was a power failure of the laptop. After the reboot, I saw that the file system had changed. The condition is the same as it was one month ago. About 1000 URLs point to files that are no longer on disk C.
The attempt to restore the file system from file 1.vfs failed, everything remained the same. File 1.vfs.bak the HFS does not see it. The problem is in virtual and real folders, as well as in files without a folder.
I need the URLs in their previous form, as they are used in the video players on the site. The files are scattered in different folders and it takes a very long time to restore the file system manually in its previous form. There are 2 questions:
1. How to save the file system if "save file system" does not work?
2. Can I edit an virtual file system ? All at once. I need to change the path.
Replace disk C in them with disk E. For example change %u0421\%u041A%u0438%u043D%u043E%u0437%u0430%u043B\%u041C%u0443%u043B%u044C%u0442%u044B\2skazki.mp4 to E\%u041A%u0438%u043D%u043E%u0437%u0430%u043B\%u041C%u0443%u043B%u044C%u0442%u044B\2skazki.mp4 .
The URL will be the same
http://100kino515.ddns.net/Kinozal/2skazki.mp4Thank you in advance! I attach the files 1. vfs
https://jmp.sh/2IdRAlZ and 1. vfs. bak
https://jmp.sh/4BuSEXy and screenshots.