yes, thats the best way to solve that problem.
Experimeting with virtual album-folders there are showing some problems that I didn't think about before.
The real MP3s are names "Artist - Songtitle.mp3".
The virtual album-songs I would like to be named "Track-Number Songtitle.mp3".
As I noticed it is possible to rename the virtual files, but I think it would to be far too much work to rename each file manually.
Is there any way to rename them in an automatic way?
Before thinking about virtual album-folders I experimented with physically existing link-files in real folders with different file-names. HFS takes the links but doesn't take the name of the links. It takes the names of the linked files.
If I download a file out of the virtual album folder it is named by the virtual name. I would like to have it named by the real name. Is there any way to do this.