i managed to get it to replace a broken image with another image thankyou Ledufe for the idea, i was just putting up with broken links lol
<tr><td class=row style="padding:0;">%new%
<script language="javascript">
var c='%item-name%';
switch(c.substr(c.lastIndexOf('.')).toLowerCase()) {
case'.jpg':document.write('<a href="%item-url%"><object data="/thumb/%item-name%" align="absmiddle"><object data="/thumb/nt.gif" align="absmiddle"/></object></object></a>');
default:document.write('<img align=top src="/~img_file">');
<a href="%item-url%"> %item-name%</a>%comment%<td class=row align=center>%item-size%<td class=row align=center>%item-modified%<td class=row align=center>%item-dl-count%</tr>
It is all laid out atm still cause i am still editing it, it may be beneficial to simply chunk it up.
The next upload of my template will have this for sure!
To make it work simply set an image somewhere (preferably in the same dir as the thumbs) that it will load in the case of no image (thumb).