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A way to display *.mp3 tags

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Offline rejetto

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i'm unsure about understanding what you are proposing maverick....  have no new feature about it?

anyway, as i'm proposing, HFS would not detect any change about the mp3 files... it just can't! when i move a file, no "time field" is updated in the file system (AFAIK).
if you change an mp3 folder, and you want your description to be updated, just delete it, and HFS will call mp3toIon.


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A *.bat to fast descript.ion update:
Code: [Select]
@echo off
for /r /d %%a in (*) do (
  pushd %%a
  %~dp0mp3ToIon.exe in %%a
Put mp3ToIon.exe and Update.bat in root directory and run Update.bat.
It recursively walk through subfolders and run mp3ToIon.exe there

Offline TCube

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I shall take a closer look to this ! sounds rather cool, thanks xista.
But my music tagging is already tighted up through JRiver media tools
Make it idiot-proof and I will make a better idiot

Offline KalleB

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I'd say it should work like this:

* If descript.ion file is not present in the mp3 folder, HFS calls Mp3ToIon.exe to generate one.

* If the file is already there, HFS checks if there is a descript.ion entry for each file listed in the files.lst
--- If the lists match, HFS does nothing
--- If they don't, call Mp3ToIon to generate new descript.ion

If someone does not want this kind on function and likes to update everything manually himself, he could just leave the Mp3ToIon.exe out of HFS folder :)
« Last Edit: July 07, 2007, 06:44:14 PM by KalleB »

Offline maverick

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i'm unsure about understanding what you are proposing maverick.... 

Quote from: kalleb
I'd say it should work like this:

Yes that is what I was trying to say in my post here ->

Looking at that post I guess it wasn't clear enough.  Last post before bed. :)


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To make everyone happy, I would suggest a plugin solution: HFS searches at startup for special DLL's having an entry point called RegisterPlugin, which returns a plugin name and the extension(s) that it handles.
A voice could then be added on a plugin menu in HFS to enable plugins in sected dirs.
Just before showing each file, HFS calls a method in the plugin that displays info.
This way Rejetto can achieve the purpose without having to code himself and letting us do the work  ;D
Also, with everybody's help we could have a lotta plugins for avi, mp4, ogg, mp3, flv etc.

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Offline TSG

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I like the idea of plugins. It's worked for many other will also give HFS users more freedom... Especially if the plugin system allows access to most of HFS... search engine anyone? :P

There is a question of security... lets hope no one makes any malicious plugins...

Offline rejetto

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because you think a plugin system would "open" hfs to any feature.
it's not so, i have to open every single bit. it's a dirty long job. and that's the main reason i would like to see HFS made in python. it would open everything with no effort. (but it means to rewrite HFS from scratch, months of hard work)

Offline ledufe

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and what about the action script from flash? since we dont have php or asp to access the files, the flash player can access the id3 of a mp3 file...
here is the info about how to do it...
i will test it later...

Offline rejetto

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yes, but it does it client-side.
it has to download those info.
it's way slower.

Offline ledufe

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sorry, i thought that could be used in a web page....

Offline parade

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A *.bat to fast descript.ion update:
Code: [Select]
@echo off
for /r /d %%a in (*) do (
  pushd %%a
  %~dp0mp3ToIon.exe in %%a
Put mp3ToIon.exe and Update.bat in root directory and run Update.bat.
It recursively walk through subfolders and run mp3ToIon.exe there

I tried "update.bat" and it does not work in my directory-structure. I think that is because my starting "root-directory" for my MP3-files is a subdirectory of upper directories with spaces in it.
If I start it from a root without spaces in the upper path, it does not work as wanted either:
The descript.ion-files in the subdirectories don't get the descriptions I configurated in my ini-file. They contain only Interpreter and Songtitle. The descript.ion-file in the root is build in the correct way. The reason for this is obviously that mp3ToIon.exe doesn't read the ini-file, when working on subdirectories of the root. Instead of this it takes the constants in the exe. If I place the ini-file in the subdirectory too, all works as intentioned.

I have to admit that I don't really understand the code in the Batch-file.
My understanding in batch-code is very basic.
Can anybody tell me what I have to do, to make it work properly.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2007, 06:43:12 PM by parade »

Offline rejetto

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when spaces occur, the solution is often to "quote" the filename

Offline parade

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when spaces occur, the solution is often to "quote" the filename
Thank You rejetto. I knew that but as I did not understand the batch-file (update.bat), I did not know where to place the quotes.
Since yesterday I read a little about batch-files and now I know I have to put "%~dp0" in quotes.

But the main problem is still unsolved for me.
Mp3toion.exe needs its ini-file in the directory in which it is working in. As this directory changes all the time in the loop it doesn't have the ini-file in the subdirectories in which it is executing. Without the ini-file to read the parameters it executes with the defaults in the program and that are only %2 and %1.

I don't know whether and how to resove this in an batch-file.
Maybe it is necessary to change the program itself but I know even less about Delphi than about batch-files. ;)

I like this solution with the detailed information from the ID-tag in the descript.ion very much, but without a working batch-solution for subdirectories would be far too much work to do. My MP3s are sorted:
First directoty (root): MP3s
First subdirectory: Initial letter of the artist
Second Subdirectory: Artist
« Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 07:59:18 AM by parade »