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Topics - HenrikoMagnifico

Pages: 1
Bug reports / HFS File Server - Some users can't connect
« on: September 26, 2020, 11:13:29 AM »
Hi! I've been using HFS file server to host my Minecraft modpack for a few months now. It's been working great, with one massive exception. Some users can't access the download URL at all, either through their browser or through the Technic Launcher download client. Since the server is my own private one, located inside my office and connected to my home network, I thought there could be an issue with my Windows firewall or my router settings. So I checked both, opened the port 80 on both my router and firewall, both incoming and outcoming traffic- to no success. I then tried changing the port from 80 to something else, in my case 8080. So I opened the port 8080 inside my router settings and also in my firewall. I tested it from a different network and it worked great. I then asked another user from the US (I'm in Sweden) to download the file and they couldn't. Why is this? Is the US blocking traffic coming from Sweden? Or am I doing something wrong, perhaps? Again, it works perfectly for most peopel- but not everyone. When I hosted my modpack on an Aruba Cloud VPS I never had these kinds of issues.

Edit: To be more specific, this is the URL that sometimes can't be accessed from other networks:

Any help would be much appreciated!


Hi! I've been getting more than a dozen reports of users not being able to download files from my public Windows 10 HFS server which I'm hosting from my own Wifi network. For the vast majority of users, it works fine, but it seems that for about ~5% of users the URL doesn't lead anywhere (presumably blocked). I've of course port forwarded my router, both on the default port 80 and also on a custom port 8080- none of them yield any different results. My guess is HFS is blocked by these users ISP, which would be very unfortunate. Is there any work around? I'm out of ideas, any help would be much appreciated!


Pages: 1