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Messages - mrprozac

Pages: 1
HTML & templates / Re: Speedtest mini
« on: January 23, 2010, 01:09:02 PM »
was just wondering is it possible to run speentest mini on HFS 250? I get it to run and to do a download test but keep on getting a fatal error on the upload test (upload file not found)


The upload test requires server-side scripting (asp, php, jsp) which hfs unfortunatly doesn't support. So no, it's not possible to run a speedtest on hfs using mini.

RAWR-Designs / Re: New admin functions for terayon
« on: January 23, 2010, 11:31:13 AM »
User zhordrak has posted modified terayon template with some admin functions: Add users, set folder permissions..


Is there an english version available? I don't understand spanish  ???

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: speed test
« on: November 28, 2009, 05:47:47 PM »
network transfers, on Windows at least, takes a lot of CPU.
with my 1.2GHz i've been able to reach 50MB/s, and couldn't get more without an upgrade.

I got the above mentioned speed (in the post with the same uname) on my old development machine with the following specs.
Intel Celeron 1,7 GHz
with a whoping 512 MB RAM of which 523 is in use by other apps and windows (beat that :P)
100Mb ethernet

Memory use by hfs.exe (RAM/Virtual Memory) in kB

HTML & templates / Re: PHP frontend - Any suggestions?
« on: November 23, 2009, 05:54:38 PM »
you can store your news in a text file, by using a your preferred format, and show it by using few commands, like
{.load|the_file.txt.} in the right place of your template.

Thanks, i didn't know HFS had this feature. I used to have a small php script with an older version of HFS i used. But since my server died i lost everything (no backups)
If i use the {.load|file.txt.} method, do i have to enter plain-text in the file or HTML?

I also want to make a small archive for older posts.

HTML & templates / PHP frontend - Any suggestions?
« on: November 23, 2009, 06:24:23 AM »

I'm currently developing a small php script for HFS.

I started this small project because i hate to edit the HTML everytime i want to make a notice, or post a message. Therefor i'm gonna use PHP with MySQL (and maybe Apache Derby in the future).

I am working on the following features:
- News/Announcement system
- File announcement (a table with latest changes to the site content)

I've also made a install script (working partially) which reads the hfs.ini files and gets settings from the file (like IP address, Dynamic Host, Port) and puts it in the database.
I am planning on making a cron script to compare the ini settings with the settings stored in the database, so the frontend won't crash/mailfunction when the HFS settings is changed.

I've added a scheme off the database, showing the external relations.
These are used mainly for the file table, which looks up the filename, mediatype, container (file extension), language.

I don't have any ideas, so if you have any ideas, suggestions. Please post them :)

I will release the source whenever the codes are (1.) cleaned, (2.) stable and (3.) has more functions.

- You do need an external webserver (not compatible with HFS)
- You need a MySQL Server
- Currently no multi-language support
- Currently no template system

I'm off to bed now, shouldn't have pulled an all-nighter :P


HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: rejetto, can you make an limit option?
« on: November 23, 2009, 04:44:45 AM »
Why don't you put a banhammer on the ignorant visitors who ignore your warning?

I also host large files/folders on my server (a crappy 1.4GHz Dev pc.:P) and have never had a similar problem.

F.A.Q.s / Re: mirror for hfs
« on: November 22, 2009, 11:49:21 PM »
I've setup the mirror on my server. :)

- good speed (50KB/s minimum)  100mb/s FTTH
- bandwidth: 3GB/month or more Unlimited/Unmetered
- PHP 4 or 5 PHP 5.3

Pages: 1