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Uploading : Auto Renaming If File Exist!

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Offline muzzafar

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I think HFS MUST have a feature that will rename a new uploaded file if a file with the same name already exist in the upload area. The file can be renamed via numerical increment... u know like the (1)filename.doc then if exist it will rename it to (2)filename.doc etc..etc...

Come has it to my mind if a new file being uploaded will be served by a dialog box whether want to overwrite or rename. I think such dialog only would make things worse. Say if John already uploaded a file called readme.txt and then Jane also wanted to upload readme.txt ... Jane won't care more or less and watta heck u asked me to upload the readme.txt okay here am i, uploading the file that you wanted and I wont care if my file will overwrite your existing file... so in short it is better to have the auto renaming feature.
Muzzafar Zabidin


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I think that is a good idea too.  Don't know why rejetto never implemented it.

However, from what I have seen in this forum, it appears that rejetto has lost interest in further developing HFS.  It doesn't appear to be a priority of his and he rarely responds in the forum anymore.  It has taken years to get HFS to where it is now and the latest v2.0 beta 23 hasn't been upgraded in many months even though there are many things left undone in the to-do list and there are still a few existing bugs that haven't been fixed.  We are here to help and beta test but really don't have much new to report on.

Hopefully rejetto will re-start this good project.

Offline rejetto

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option accepted and implemented :)
you will find it in beta24
i'm back on the code, fixed a couple of bugs.
i will test this beta for few days before releasing it because i fear about instability on exit.
if someone wants to give it a try in the while, contact me privately.


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Quote from: "rejetto"
i'm back on the code
Thanks rejetto :)  I didn't think you would let us down.

Offline muzzafar

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a big YES for rejetto....

Quote from: "rejetto"
option accepted and implemented :)
you will find it in beta24
i'm back on the code, fixed a couple of bugs.
i will test this beta for few days before releasing it because i fear about instability on exit.
if someone wants to give it a try in the while, contact me privately.

and so it has been said... and hopefully it shall be done ;)
Muzzafar Zabidin

Offline rejetto

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i'm having no chance to test it these days, so i gave a copy to mr anon
if anyone wants it...
here is a preview of changes
+ shell context menu: checkbox instead of add/delete (moved to Other options)
+ first start: a dialog suggest to enable shell integration
+ Menu -> Upload -> "Number files on upload instead of overwriting"
* save options -> "delete" replaced by "Clear options and quit"
- download tray icons' tips were sometimes outdated
- files from the shell were not added to the selected folder
- adding files with same name from the shell, did not focus the dialog
- fixed the "Cannot make a visible window modal"
- real folders were not checked for existence (404)
- "leave disconnected connections" prevented tray icons from being removed
- tray icons now display total percentage, to be consistent with the main window

Offline yhm_7

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