if i got you correctly, you are suggesting to provide RSS automatically.
that's been requested, and partially solved.
indeed, it's possible with current template capabilities and proper configuration to get RSS for folders.
i can be eased, and it will, but there's something useful that won't be done by HFS itself: feeds for any change in the whole file system.
the problem is called "virtual folders".
consider adding your whole hard disk as (real) folder, and you get that tracking all changes is challenging.
anyway, it COULD even be done. it's just the technology needed will be present only in HFS 3, but god knows when it'll see the light. it requires twisting the hell out.
anyway, forging the rss yourself is harder but i guess you enjoy the power.
[ot]i enjoyed your music, listened the album several times, and no, it's not too dark for me.