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Messages - Giant Eagle

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 36
Everything else / Re: Hi Everyone!
« on: May 23, 2008, 09:31:55 AM »
Welcome ;D

Got questions? just ask 'em

HFS is a great program but fixing a problem resulting from lack of disk space caused by human error or poor computer management is not one of them.  Doesn't your windows warn you of low disk space long before it happens?

I agree.

It's impossible to warn a user of "every possible error".

The 2 files at the same time limit is bound to Internet Explorer.

Apparently MS thought it would be fun to limit their browser to 2 connections at the same time ;D silly them, this is one of the many reasons why most ppl consider to use a real web browser like FireFox.

RAWR-Designs / Re: error template TERAYON
« on: May 15, 2008, 09:54:26 AM »
in order for the previews to work, you first have to generate thumbnails and previews out of your original images.

To do so, use the Thumbnail and Preview Generator we made. It can be found here:

50 something like this?

but how is this related to hfs?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Computer crashes on connection.
« on: May 03, 2008, 09:05:47 AM »
Have you made any other changes to your system except for upgrading HFS to build 185? New firewall installed? Other settings?

If you cant find the source of the problem at all, i suggest a clean install of your computer. Like you said, i highly doubt this is related to HFS alone.

RAWR-Designs / Re: Tog 4.0.0 Window Login + Streaming Video Files
« on: May 01, 2008, 08:23:00 PM »
I'll take myself out for a dinner! ;D

Thank you very much for the donation :) i'ts really appreciated.

Bug reports / Re: Access error when you login with your accout in IE!
« on: April 30, 2008, 06:12:29 PM »
It could be related to the security settings of your IE. Check if the security setting is not set at its maximum (Don't know for sure how IE handles HTML authentication if the security setting is set to maximum)

Is the problem limited to your own pc or are your friends not able to login using IE aswell?

RAWR-Designs / Re: Tog 4.0.0 Window Login + Streaming Video Files
« on: April 30, 2008, 06:06:45 PM »
The login screen was discared because of the instability it caused. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it did not.

It's possible create under real folder in hfs an "Diff Template" that automatically redirect

I have a file .avi named test.avi under folder video in hfs

this is a ipotetic link
the diff template under folder video should tranform in:
for play with windows media player and streamed with Unreal Media Server

Sure it is, replace the [file] section inside the ToG 4.0 template with the code below

Code: [Select]
<td class="iconCol">
<a href="%item-url%">
<div style="background:url('/~img_file') center center no-repeat">{.switch|%item-ext%|,|jpg,jpeg,png,bmp,tif,tiff|
<div style="background:url('previews_and_thumbnails/thumb-%item-name%.jpg') center center no-repeat"></div>|.}
<td class="fileCol{.if not|{.get|can access.}|protected.}">
<div class="fileInfo">
<a href="%item-url%" {.$target.}>%item-name%{.if|{.get|is new.}|&nbsp;-&nbsp;<b class="new">{.!lv_new.}</b>.}</a><br/>%comment%
<div class="info"><b>{.!lv_size.}:</b> %item-size%</div><div class="info"><b>{.!lv_hits.}:</b> %item-dl-count%</div><div class="age"><b>{.!lv_age.}:</b> %item-modified%</div>
<td class="quickCol">{.switch|%item-ext%|,|
    |<div class="quickBtn disabled hide"><img src="/template/images/preview.gif" alt="" align="middle"/></div>
|mp3|{.$preview-btn.}|<div class="quickBtn disabled hide"></div>.}
<noscript><div class="quickBtn disabled"></div></noscript>
<div class="quickBtn1 {.if not|{.get|can access.}|disabled.}"><a href="{.if|{.%item-ext%=avi.}|mms://TCP:%host%:5119%encoded-folder%.}%item-url%" {.$target.}><img src="/template/images/download.gif" alt="DL" title="{.!lv_downloadTitle.}"/></a></div>

The only thing that is changed is this:
Code: [Select]
<a href="{.if|{.%item-ext%=avi.}|mms://TCP:%host%:5119%encoded-folder%.}%item-url%" {.$target.}>

Did you do what rejetto told you to do ?
Check out instructions for YOUR ROUTER at
Many of blablabla but few results, excess of posts to say nothing

Be more constructive and post only for something really necessary

I have to agree with Fysack here, Jason has not yet responded to rejetto's suggestion which may aswell solve the problem. Some routers have Virtual Server instead of, or even in combination with, the Port Forwarding feature (like my own router). In this case, you will have to make use of the Virtual Server function in your router to get HFS to work.

All of this is explained on, so sorry, but your post was alot of blabla and fysacks posts (for a change) were not.

router & port problems / Re: how to remove port number ?
« on: April 24, 2008, 06:27:46 PM »
If you leave the port on 80, you wont have to include it in the address.

Default web addresses always use port 80.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: www browser error with iso files
« on: April 21, 2008, 09:49:55 PM »
HFS Supports files larger than 4gb for a long time now, so the problem is not hfs.

Instead, M$ Internet Explorer has a 4gb barrier set in place. Just use a real browser, like you mentioned, or a download manager and it will work fine.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: is HFS for broadband or narrowband ?
« on: April 21, 2008, 05:47:22 PM »
Must be you,

im able to get atleast 8 - 9 megabytes per second on my LAN here.

and im able to send the full 180 kilobytes i have available for upload to my friends.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: HELP - How to create a button "logout"
« on: April 15, 2008, 08:00:21 PM »
Search: Logout

@ pit:
;D and both the same message

The current version does not support it.. Altho, i am working on a newer version of the program that does support it and more.Progress is being made slowly cause im very busy lately with living my life. So, dont expect it next week, but i will not abandon this project.

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