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Messages - Giant Eagle

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RAWR-Designs / Thumbnail and Preview Generator v3.0.0 Released!
« on: October 29, 2008, 07:21:58 PM »
Thumbnail and Preview Generator v3.0.0 Released!

After nearly 1 year of development its finally here!! (if you skip the days i did not work on this project it comes down to like 2 months or something :P)

This is one of the most complete, stable and longest project i've ever worked on. And im glad it's finally done.

Please post any bugs, errors or what ever you have to say about this project here :) (except for rejetto, he may post in the locked sticky)

NOTE: This application has been written in Visual Basic .NET, it therefore requires the .NET Framework 3.5 to be installed in order to function properly.

[new]   Custom settings.
[new]   Scan multiple folders at once.
[new]   Support drag/drop operations.
[new]   Detailed conversion log.
[new]   More customizable settings.
[new]   Simple / Advanced mode.
[new]   Alot more, too lazy to write it all down here :P just check the program

[chg]   No longer requires irfan view as an external program.
[chg]   Complete re-do of the GUI.

[fix]     Handles large images perfectly.
[fix]     Most stable project ever released (fingers crossed).

RAWR-Designs / Re: MOD S3M XM IT player for Terayon template
« on: October 29, 2008, 07:02:01 PM »
The one red line you have in the quote, replace it with the following:

Code: [Select]
else if(ext.match(".mod|.it|.xm|.s3m|.nst")) spawnMODBox(target,file,file);

Thumbnail and Preview Generator v3.0.0

The Thumbnail and Preview Generator is a program written in Visual Basic .NET. It has been built for generating thumbnails and previews from many popular image formats. Not only can it be used with our HFS Templates, it can also be used to compress images for email and other web gallery purposes.

Please click here for additional information!


NOTE: This application has been written in Visual Basic .NET, it therefore requires the .NET Framework 3.5 to be installed in order to function properly.

Command line parameters
Syntax: TPGen.exe -settings="" -files="","" -folders="","" -nosplash -nogui -start

-settings="Setting name"Upon launch, the setting name as it is displayed in the GUI, gets automatically loaded
-files="file1","file2"Absolute or relative paths to image files you want to get converted, seperate multiple images by a comma
-folders="folder1","folder2"    Absolute path to folders you want to get converted, seperate multiple folders by a comma
-nosplashWill not show the splash image
-noguiWill not show the main GUI but rather a progress frame. Automatically closes the program when it gets idle.
-startWith the given settings, it will start a conversion process
-?Shows a help box with the same information shown here

Thumbnail and Preview Generator v3 © 2006-2009 RAWR-Designs.

As long as hard drives don't have an internal processor, running hfs on them will be impossible.

Would be nice tho ;D

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Thumbnails
« on: October 28, 2008, 07:59:21 AM »
Use this little tool:

I used it to generate the thumbnails on my server.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Event scripts!
« on: October 21, 2008, 02:25:53 PM »
don't you need %item-resource% instead?

That is not working either, but yes, it would be great.

If the user has uploaded multiple files, could there be a way to gather all the uploaded file names so the thumbnail generator only has to get fired once to convert multiple images? If yes, how?

i will work on it

Thank you

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Event scripts!
« on: October 21, 2008, 02:16:35 PM »
Hey all! Yep, im still alive :P

These events really catched my interest! Especially the [upload completed] one. I was thinking to link it to the latest thumbnail generator im developing.

Anyway, i came across a probmen (or bug?) %item-name% does not resolve into the name of the file that has been uploaded in build 209. (%item-ext% does not work either) Also, how can i retrieve the real path on the computer itself?

If the user has uploaded multiple files, could there be a way to gather all the uploaded file names so the thumbnail generator only has to get fired once to convert multiple images? If yes, how?

router & port problems / Re: 2 Computers LAN - problem with port
« on: July 27, 2008, 01:28:43 PM »
If this is correct:

"Internet" --> "DSL Modem" --> "Computer A" --> "Computer B"

Then computer A must have 2 NIC's and Network sharing enabled. Also, computer A should have 2 IP addresses. The first is your internet IP and the second would be your network IP (default IP is

So to contact computer A from computer B, you should use that network IP. Open up your browser and type in the following:, it should work.

HTML & templates / Re: thumbnail by macro
« on: July 01, 2008, 01:56:35 PM »
if i make the macro for running external software, this may be used run an external "thumbnailer" only when the thumbnail file doesn't exist.
would this fill the gap to get a template with real thumbnails?

It would most certainly work for files that are being uploaded to the server. When they are uploaded, the thumbnails will get generated.

Maybe... but what if an entire gallery is not done? will the site sit there blank generating thumbnails then load up the page... or cache the thumbnails in the background and on next refresh they are there...

This needs some thougts, as a folder with 100+ images could take a while to convert (if you want acceptable thumbnails that is). Best thing would be to convert them in the background.

this lead us to another problem: 2 visitors may issue twice the thumbnail making.
it can be solved by creating a "locking" temp file, by creating a file named "thumbs\"+filename+".lock", that will be deleted by the batch file after the generation.

That could be solved by using a "only one instance" application. Just run the application multiple times with the location to the files as command line parameters. These files get stored in a "To-convert" list. Multiple files get discarded.

HTML & templates / Re: question
« on: June 19, 2008, 03:01:04 PM »
is there a way to get a dash or an underscore instead of the %20 for spaces in the links?

Rename every file and folder so they have dashes and/or underscores instead of spaces?

router & port problems / Re: port fowarding problems
« on: June 19, 2008, 02:56:44 PM »
If your modem also has a configuration menu, then you need to forward the port in your modem to your router, not to your pc. You then have to configure your router to forward the port to your computer.

Modem => forward port 80 to Router
Router => forward port 80 to PC

Bug reports / Re: >2gb files not supported?
« on: June 02, 2008, 05:11:39 PM »
If you would have used the search function, you might have discovered that the 2gb 'limit' is a client-side problem, not server-side. HFS supports files bigger than 2gb, fake browsers (like IE) do not

//edit: mark is right ;D

RAWR-Designs / Re: Preview of htm/html files in preview box
« on: June 01, 2008, 01:49:57 PM »
I dont believe you are aiming at showing the actual source code of the html files but rather display them as they are inteded to be displayed. In this case, a simple <iframe> would be sufficient.

I'm not at home right now, so i cant give you a working example, but this should be do-able.

It even scans your entire hard drive if you want to ;D

and yes, command lines will be supported aswell

Pусский / Re: Russian Forum (part 2)
« on: May 23, 2008, 09:47:28 AM »
It is not sufficient to put a link TSG, it is necessary to translate into Russian if you want that the Russians understand you

upload give same bugs red = bad   blue = missing
-a><a href="%encoded-folder%%item-name%/~folder.tar" title="Download this folder"><div style="width:28px;height:28px;"></div></a>
must be corrected at


have a look at your template before delete correct template in my post and compress your corrected template into zip and rar archive .

I don't mind you trying to correct my template, but in the future, please LOOK and at least TRY TO understand the template before you react. There is nothing to correct at the above code as everything is working perfectly.

As for the other "bugs" you mentioned, they are all ignored by earlier builds (from 176 and downwards). From build 178 and up, these things get visible because hfs then uses a different method of using [tags]. This is the main reason why i have a "Fix for #178" available.

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