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Messages - TSG

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HTML & templates / Re: my new template edit of black
« on: October 28, 2006, 02:35:10 PM »
MOONDOGG as always you have a nice template, but can i suggest not going for such strong colours lol, i am a multimedia student and to me those colours are a little painful to look at. Its a nice design tho, just modification of hex codes is needed, can i suggest #333333 for the background, #990000 for the reds, and maybe #003399 for the blues, i have no idea what this will look like btw.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / [javascript]
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:58:24 PM »
Also viewing other webpages i have made on the HFS program, i find hfs can run or import an external css page for these sites, why is this, i think an external javascript page can run when linked, but css just wont do it.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> that is the code they use.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / [javascript]
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:11:51 PM »
I have a feature request, although it may have already been stated.

It would be nice if you could define a javascript page like you do with a style page [style] so you would be able to go [javascript] and have all of them inside this.
They would then probably be linked with:

<script src="%javascript%" language="javascript" type="text/javascript" />


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">\n%javascript%\n</script>

I dont know much about doing this, but its just an idea that popped into my head.

HTML & templates / Re: Pictures + Thumbs Preview
« on: October 28, 2006, 12:46:18 PM »
University is almost over, so i have time to play with HFS, hence my activity on the forums again, i am constantly finding problems with the original code of 'the black template' that i have been working with, but slowly i am perfecting it, just repaired a horizontal stretch problem with the status window at the bottom of the page :P, I am up for any suggestions, but as i have said before, the tpl i am building is for my 17kb\s upload speed, so my server can only physically do so much.

HTML & templates / Re: Pictures + Thumbs Preview
« on: October 28, 2006, 12:07:34 PM »
i managed to get it to replace a broken image with another image thankyou Ledufe for the idea, i was just putting up with broken links lol :)

<tr><td class=row style="padding:0;">%new%
<script language="javascript">
var c='%item-name%';
switch(c.substr(c.lastIndexOf('.')).toLowerCase()) {
   case'.jpg':document.write('<a href="%item-url%"><object data="/thumb/%item-name%" align="absmiddle"><object data="/thumb/nt.gif" align="absmiddle"/></object></object></a>');
   default:document.write('<img align=top src="/~img_file">');
<a href="%item-url%"> %item-name%</a>%comment%<td class=row align=center>%item-size%<td class=row align=center>%item-modified%<td class=row align=center>%item-dl-count%</tr>

It is all laid out atm still cause i am still editing it, it may be beneficial to simply chunk it up.

The next upload of my template will have this for sure!

To make it work simply set an image somewhere (preferably in the same dir as the thumbs) that it will load in the case of no image (thumb).

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Feature Request
« on: October 28, 2006, 10:09:30 AM »
Flynsarmy told me to post so it looks like people ARE actually replying to his post.  ;)

HTML & templates / Re: template creator...
« on: October 28, 2006, 10:03:09 AM »

RAWR-Designs / Orange/Blue Template
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:52:29 AM »
My Orange and Blue with Thumbnails template is available to all HFS fans!

Features on this template.
  • mp3 streamer.
  • Login system for the security conscious.
  • Button to return to top.
  • Cross Browser Compatible.
  • w3c compliant (well as far as hfs templates will go, some errors are necessary for the template)
  • Additional upload input code.
  • Browsable folder tree.

Below is the README which can also be found inside the .zip archive:

Author: That_Stevens_Guy
Location: Australia

This template is a modified version of the black template. All respects go to the creator
of that template, also thanks to all my mates on the forum :)

OK just import into HFS and replace **** SOMETHING **** with the directory or information you require, i have included all images used to make my one look pretty, but im sure u can handle adding it.

My version of the template is white/orange and navy blue, and has thumbnails in the place
of any .jpg .gif or .bmp link, as long as a thumbnail of the same file name is in the dir specified
in the code, which is found on the top level of HFS (/thumb) you should have no problems
implementing this template. This is also the level on HFS to put your Back.jpg and Firefox.jpg images. Do this with the mp3player aswell.

The template also incorporates a little form to search google from the hfs. Handy for me cause i have HFS as my homepage.

Have Fun!!!

To have a go at implementing the template you can download it via this link.

Here is a preview of the template: (link reveals full resolution preview)

The .zip file and the templates were actually kinda rushed together so tell me if there is any problems.

This .zip file is always updated as i improve the tpl.

This is Most likely the final version of this template!

HTML & templates / Re: Pictures + Thumbs Preview
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:25:49 AM »
Nice to hear you got the thumbnail code workin MOONDOGG, i just posted to your question about the directories :P

HTML & templates / Re: want to add shoutbox
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:23:55 AM »
Yes this port issue is a problem for me aswell. I have a D-Link 604G 4 routerm and port 80 is used by my ISP as a service port or something funky, so i use port 100 for my server, anything about port 80 should work no problems, i have found.

HTML & templates / Re: HFS Black - The Black HFS Template!
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:20:43 AM »
OK i have been working on this template improving it to be efficient, small in size and look awesome. so far the TPL file is only 9kb !!! and no more code chunking, made it incredibly hard to edit.

To answer MOONDOGG's question, i think, with the template available for download, the thumbs directory is a folder FULL of ALL the thumbnails for every image (JPG) on the HFS. So simply use ReaJpg or a thumbnail creator, and update that single dir, this DIR (folder) is then hidden in HFS aswell as placed on the top of HFS with the thumbnail images. Then magically all the images in your image libraries have thumbnails.  8)

If you want to have a seperate thumbnail folder called thumb inside the folder of the images, i can give you the code, but it leads to other problems like the hit counter counting every thumbnail load and stuff. Much nicer for it to just look them up in a big directory.

And BTW i only upload at 17kb\s lol so if i can get it workin, you can run it easily.

HTML & templates / Re: ledufe lost post - how to use [file.<EXT>]
« on: October 22, 2006, 07:26:14 AM »
This is a very interesting topic, i have been using a javascript function to do this, but like ledufe i cant seem to get it to work with the [file.jpg] either...

HTML & templates / Re: Pictures + Thumbs Preview
« on: October 22, 2006, 06:22:01 AM »
I might go check that out, but so far ReaJpg is my fav :)

This code below is for the guy above that wanted to know how to make it load the original image.

<tr><td class=row>%new%<script language="javascript">var c='%item-name%';switch(c.substr(c.lastIndexOf('.')).toLowerCase()){case'.jpg':document.write('<a href="%item-url%"><img align=absmiddle src="%item-name%"></a>');break;default:document.write('<img align=top src="/~img_file">');}</script><a href="%item-url%"> %item-name%</a>%comment%<td align=center class=row>%item-size%<td align=center class=row>%item-modified%<td align=center class=row>%item-dl-count%</tr>

Only 3 more weeks of uni then i will have time to build a completely new template :D

HTML & templates / Re: Pictures + Thumbs Preview
« on: October 21, 2006, 12:00:56 PM »
Um its easy to make it use the original images, but that makes you upload EVERY original image on a page, even if u restrict the size, but i have program that i use to make thumbnails, takes less than 30seconds to update my thumbs dir. If you want to look it up its called 'ReaJpg', it was recommended to me by MOONDOGG.  :D

HTML & templates / Re: does anyone ahve the original template...
« on: October 01, 2006, 06:40:36 AM »
umm... ;) all you have to do is hit 'restore default' in the template editor...

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