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this codeCode: [Select][+unauthorized]{.append|/A Location You Choose/Spl-Log.txt|Bad_Login: %date% %time% %ip% {.if|%user%|%user%|0.} %password%.}must be put in the template, not events file.so the best way is to right click on the root/home > properties > diff template
[+unauthorized]{.append|/A Location You Choose/Spl-Log.txt|Bad_Login: %date% %time% %ip% {.if|%user%|%user%|0.} %password%.}
I have this in hfs.events as well as the first I posted, and it works in 260 here? So this should be in tpl?
runEventScript('unauthorized'); getPage('unauthorized', data);
Network events unauthorized this user has no permission to access the requested resource. Sections List[unauthorized] HTML for the %content% symbol
if data.conn.reply.mode <> HRM_REPLY then s:=xtpl(tpl2use['error-page'], ['%content%', s]);