i wanna see in the next
1) hfs makes archives by *zip
2) button "download" near every folder in default template & "download selected" instead "archive" button, the word DOWNLOAD more understandable than ARCHIVE in the world
3) option.paged=0, sort by extention, in default template, extention sorting much better than name, *rar near rars, *exe with exes, *avi likes avies, *iso etc
4) expert mode by default, no need in easy mode i suppose, those who install HFS must see all options, they already experts
5) users can register & create own folder with rights upload,rename,del,accsess etc
6) button "play" near *mp3, *avi, etc files
the numbers 5&6 are questions, may u do this? they are not great, but useful
i construct my regargs by list, because i love right & certain answers, like 1, 3, i will do, 4,6 are impossible