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Messages - Fysack

Pages: 1 ... 37 38 39
HTML & templates / Re: FLV player
« on: November 20, 2006, 11:42:41 AM »
Хорошая работа. Тот игрок смотря хороша на вашем месте. Я не говорю русского но я перевожу здесь ;)

HTML & templates / Re: FLV player
« on: November 20, 2006, 11:17:58 AM »
Единственная проблема, что сам плейер должен находиться в каталоге с файлами FLV
Only problem, that player itself must be located in the catalog with files FLV

RAWR-Designs / Meh
« on: November 20, 2006, 02:07:07 AM »
Yea, its nice and clean that Clean one. But personally i like some action on the index page, i love that inbound, outbound, uptime,connections and graph. I use my hfs for friends and family, and for that reason i think its nice to personalize it with backgrounds, colours, gif and stuff.
Its a cool future that login page, but i think it would be better get to that indexpage without login. I want, the first thing they see is my indexpage, i think it would be better if the login appear after they click on of the folders.

As for a easy to use template i think its better to implent the css and java. If you have little html knowledge changing colours,links and background would be plenty. If you have medium html knowledge external ccs and js files would be better.
For experienced html coders i think it would not matter,they would figure it out or build their own template. So maybye its here you need 2 versions..
The blue/white was my natural choice. ..and ps! those small swf mp3 players implented in the template really looks cool.

Future request: Send free SMS form ;D RSS feed, Your ip is:xxx.., and all on the indexpage offcourse  ;)

RAWR-Designs / Meh
« on: November 18, 2006, 01:52:24 AM »
This template is so beautyful that i forgot to customize it

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RAWR-Designs / Meh
« on: November 18, 2006, 12:30:51 AM »
I said it before. i say it again. HFS rocks! Today i was thinking to grab all my cd s, put them in a paperbox and writhe antique on it. Harddisk is the future i belived. I aint green, and i know what mp3 is, i thoght. But now i know. It.. it.. it.., sucks?  By the way,, this Thunderchicken of Glory Template rip and rules. Ok, ok, where was i.. Yea, ..stored my box away. All i did was push eject, inserst cd, colse, refresh browser, and there it was on the web. Thats like 3 moves man hehe. HFS rocks! And guess what program i used, it starts with an w  and ends with an r.The reason i mention it, is the codecs, i did 300somethings kb and 44 with Lame and audiograbber. I need and other format man. Is it possible to convert wav to wav, reduce the file size by 10:1 and still have the good old qualyty. :D . Just my thoughts for the night. Cheers! or Skål! as i would say  in old good Norwgian

RAWR-Designs / Re: Orange/Blue Template
« on: November 17, 2006, 11:35:29 PM »

RAWR-Designs / Re: Orange/Blue Template
« on: November 17, 2006, 11:31:43 PM »
this topic is moved..  ;D

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RAWR-Designs / Re: Orange/Blue Template
« on: November 15, 2006, 08:15:39 PM »
Thanks That_Stevens_Guy, its answer my question. <!-- the comment> works in HTML, and the HFS HTML template is a little more tricky than pure HTML template. Im working on it, and hopefully ill get the big picture one day. The question poppup when try to edit my first template and trying to identify all the color codes.

After thinking about what you are saying about speed and quality, i found out that right click the link and open in local player might be a better solution for me. I would like the mp3 streamer for smaller files verry mutch even if so. It would be a cool option anyway for some files.

And i think any comment like, '**put image dir here** or **u can put something here if you want** really helps identify what is what in the template when looking at it for the first time. I also had a quick look at your new template, it looks really good..

RAWR-Designs / Re: Orange/Blue Template
« on: November 09, 2006, 11:07:23 AM »
Verry nice That_Stevens_Guy, this is my favorite to play aroud with. So whats next.. mp3 streamer?  ;)
Is there a way to add some comments in the html code like ***put image dir here***, the layout seems to change when i <!-- comment -->

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: awards
« on: November 09, 2006, 10:31:42 AM »
Congratulations. Its a super software, with a great forum.

router & port problems / Re: I thought I set it up correctly?
« on: November 07, 2006, 02:48:28 PM »
I did have it working once, and did not change any thing in between then and now.
If you have installed and running a virtual network device like Hamachi in the past, and not turned it on when testing now, your HFS will not work correctly.

I run Hamachi on my computer sometimes for creating a virtual LAN. God for LAN gaming thrue the web.
If you really want HFS to work, and work your way around your ruter problems, you can install Hamachi.
But to have your friends to accsess HFS they also have to install and running Hamachi.

Did your Loca Area Connection get an ip starting with (and NOT or or ) after your ipconfig /renew ?

router & port problems / Re: I thought I set it up correctly?
« on: November 06, 2006, 11:52:02 PM »
Try to: Assign the public ip address of a connection to a network device, ,in your router.
Run cmd: ipconfig /release - ipconfig /renew
Now your Local Area Connection will get an ip
Dont use port 80 it could be that your ISP dont allow inncoming traffic on port 80.
Then set port to 8080 in your HFS. Type in your webbrowser:

Now you dont need to assign any application to your device (forward ports to your pc) because you forwarded the entire ip address (forwarded all your ports). Be shure to turn on your XP firewall and antivirus software cause this will be your security frontline now.

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HTML & templates / Re: HFS Black - The Black HFS Template!
« on: October 29, 2006, 01:40:57 PM »
Hello dudes! I discoverd HFS last night and i must say its awsome. Its tiny and compact ,smoot running, packed with futures, its beautyfull. "Easy" to setup. I had it up and running pretty mutch at once. The ruter was the hardest part. Ive been wanting this cind of program for many years. I can even enter it from my phone. I can even share with my mother now. Im stoked, welcome to the future.  ..and the topic was.. The Black HFS Template! hehe Yea, its beautiful, you all have done a good job, but i must say that That Stevens Guy have my cind of taste. Yea i im really looking forward to attack those hex`s. The Black Template rules! HFS rules!

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