Sorry that I did not answer to your suggestion for such a long time, but I have been away from home quite a long time and since then I only started some days ago to look after my HFS-configuration.
1. menu > debug > enable macros.log
2. download a folder archive that should NOT be allowed
3. before any other request is made, move the file macros.log from the HFS folder to another one, like your desktop
I enabled Macro-logging with you script. There ist nothing concerning to this script in the macro.log.
I made some experiments with using your example from your hfs-introduction-thread:
{.if|{.is substring|%item-name%|hey.}| {:
{.set speed limit for connection| 10 .}
This code works and is logged in macro.log.
I looked again ant you code-suggestion for my problem and tried to understand it and maybe find errors. As I told you, I do not understand much of this syntax, but 2 questions:
1. Should it not be [download] instead of [+download]? Anyway it did not work with [download] either.
2. Shouldn't there not be a {.disconnect.} in the code?
If I ever get it to work with Is there a way to make it different for different folders in vfs.
The reason: Some folders should be allowed to archive at the 3rd subfolder, some at the 4th subfolder a.s.o.