Then i decided to try to go for Delphi 10.3.3, that is the latest free version (it's callled "community edition").
Happy to have some news from you!

this version of delphi can't working on Windows XP
Sadly, I can confirm this...

I also use Windows XP daily (on machines that can't get an OS upgrade), so, I support Mars petition of keeping XP support (remember that being XP compatible, is also being ReactOS compatible).
I've tried to compile the latest sources with
Delphi 2006 (to get a XP compatible executable), and it fails, with this error:
[Pascal Error] hslib.pas(302): E2004 Identifier redeclared: 'chop'
[Pascal Error] hslib.pas(307): E2004 Identifier redeclared: 'chop'
[Pascal Error] hslib.pas(317): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'Tbytes'
[Pascal Error] hslib.pas(361): E2004 Identifier redeclared: 'includeTrailingString'
[Pascal Error] hslib.pas(501): E2008 Incompatible types
[Pascal Error] hslib.pas(514): E2008 Incompatible types
[Pascal Error] hslib.pas(536): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'utf8ToString'
[Pascal Error] hslib.pas(562): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'charInSet'
[Pascal Error] hslib.pas(611): E2004 Identifier redeclared: 'chop'
[Pascal Error] hslib.pas(626): E2004 Identifier redeclared: 'chop'
[Pascal Error] hslib.pas(639): E2004 Identifier redeclared: 'chopLine'
[Pascal Fatal Error] hfs.dpr(51): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'hslib.pas'
Besides that, your Delphi 10 executable is twice the size of hfs24rc4 (50% bigger), but this is not something as important as keeping backwards compatibility. The
drapid's HFS compilation also has 'draw' (graphical) issues on XP (only the menu is working, but the rest of the GUI interface is not usable), but at least using
his version the server runs fine (I have not thoroughly tested).
Let me know if you find things not working please.
Warning: using latest HFS 2.4rc5 (302), if you are upgrading, your old VFS file could get corrupted! This is the error I've got once, when HFS starts:

Then, this is how the GUI looks like on XP:

And the server doesn't work, if you try to open:
license is limited to 1 year
Summarizing (and take this only as suggestion, not a request), if I were Rejetto, I would give the 'jump' to
Lazarus v2.0.6 which is the latest version being XP compatible, and is much modern than using the old Delphi 2006 (Lazarus has
unicode support available since Lazarus v1.6.0). Lazarus uses FPC (Free Pascal Compiler), and it's mature enough to be as good as any other commercial compiler. So, besides getting unicode support, I don't see why upgrading to Delphi 10 would be beneficial (well, anyway is Rejetto's choice, he is the boss, and he has the fiinal word on this, and I respect it).
Anyway, I truly appreciate your effort of keeping HFS updated, and thanks for releasing the complete sources of 2.4. As last resource, I think I could compile the source by myself, but only if you keep the sources compatible with Delphi 2006 (I would be happy if you do this).
Well, I hope this can be somewhat sorted, or v2.4 will be the end for some of us...
