Although i was unsuccessful at setup and configure the latest source build to compile here are some helpful informations...
from post:
Probally should be its own post...
Quote from: Mars on May 18, 2014, 04:44:44 PM
turbo delphi 2006 portable;Hs;fid=5895582;cid=764436158;rid=587271319;up=0;uip=;tm=1400625243;ut=f;;did=ulozto-net;He;ch=b9e0140b7da50f6051a959914a5e6516;Pe/5895582/turbo-delphi-portable.rar?bD&c=764436158&De&redirs=2launch tdrun.exe
Thank you again!
To whom it may concern i though that other users may want the terminal comand line version along with this portable version...
Befeore you continue to ensure that you don't corupt youyr system PLEASE DO A SYSTEM RESTORE!
as we/ you will need to add files to your windows system32 folder!
these files are needed in system32 to sucessfuly use the source batch script comand line:
brcc32 data.rc
dcc32 hfs.dpr
---(which is used and the process to compile and make it an excutable!)---
(esentail the entire bin except 2 files [dcc32.cfg and dcc32])
you will need to edit 1 of thoses files and added it to system32 (this is the esentilaconfig file for dcc32 which puts the paths and directiories...
downlaod the required files: config file(for me atleast):
--------------CFG File (dcc32.CFG)
//Use package
-LU vclx100
//Unit directories
-U"C:\Windows\System32\Turbo Delphi Portable\lib";"C:\Windows\System32\Turbo Delphi Portable\lib\Obj";"C:\Windows\System32\Turbo Delphi Portable\Imports"
//Package DPL output directory
-LE"C:\Windows\System32\Turbo Delphi Portable\Projects\Bpl"
//Package DCP output directory
-LN"C:\Windows\System32\Turbo Delphi Portable\Projects\Bpl"
//EXE and DLL output directory
-E "C:\Users\User\compiled"
//Resource directories
-R ""
//Object directories
//Include directories
You will also need this (the program that mars has shared in the quoted text - nothing changed just another download link if needed...)
download file: you have delphi 6 command live compiler via cmd dcc32 version 18....
will add all the lib when i have them to make it easyer to downlaod and program and edit the soure!
(still having isues on that...)
Modify message
i later sent up my libs folder...
redid my windows and cleaned up my paths where my files are (same issues and recompiling issue...
Eventualy help and found this:
Quote from: "alkimiya"
Libs used
- TWsocket, by François Piette
- VirtualTreeview and ColorPickerButton, by Mike Lischke
- RegExpr, by Andrey V. Sorokin
- JVCL, by Project JEDI
- MD5, by Matthias Fichtner
- PNGunit, by Jack Goman and Edmund H. Hand
from &RQ:s about box

Oh !
Links, for programmers:
TWsocket: and ColorPickerButton: where to find PNGunit ? The page no longer exist...
Which was okay, i took the longer way around and/or used these sites upon eventauly finding them...
Issue trying to compile it:
all goes fin until jclntfs:
[Pascal Fatal Error] JclNTFS.pas(50): F1026 File not found: ''
simple code issue not finding fileas at paths:
unit JclNTFS;
changed line 50
{$I C:\Windows\System32\Turbo Delphi Portable\lib\}
(which is wehre the libs and jcl files are)
which then turned into error this:
[Pascal Fatal Error] JclNTFS.pas(50): F1026 File not found: 'C:\Windows\System32\Turbo.pas'
Upon searching turbo.pascal is a compile program by itself and as such i gave up on tryign to compile it...
Either i did wrong by trying to correct the pascal file and messed up my entire resource that may or may not have pointed to turbo.pas
or there is an issue within the jedi sourcforge package that may finish the ability to compile it...
Either or this is just information nothing more