other wise you can add the items to your startup folder user windows:
(super)WIdnows key + "r"
run command:
control userspassword2
have a user auto login
have a startup script (run once) to lock the account, thereby
gives your hfs loaded and brings you back to the login screen...
login script:
Its been a while, looing through my old scripts...
---batch/run comand that locks the current user....
rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
info to edit you script:
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/64c21a89-8e04-4031-b0d7-dc0355e39590/logging-out-locked-accounts-after-a-period-of-time?forum=w7itprosecurity--what i have done in the past was make a startup batch script and add programs to that script
I added that to my webroot user startup folder (that way if i have multiple users) that any one who logs in will not have acess to the server running...
I would have a "runonce" script in the programs that way when i the machine is restarted would log in and lock the account...
acomplished either by startup folder/group policys/ registry entries:
After a user has successfully logged into the machine, winlogon does the following:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_startup_process#Windows_NTUser and Computer Group Policy settings are applied.
Startup programs are run from the following locations:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\Run
All Users ProfilePath\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ (this path is localized on non-English versions of Windows)
Current User ProfilePath\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ (this path is localized on non-English versions of Windows)