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version 2.4

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Offline rejetto

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download latest version

new default template, mobile friendly and responsive.
session login, with logout
« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 04:36:22 PM by rejetto »

Offline dj

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http://localhost/fa/font-awesome.css 404 Not Found

addons tested with version 2.4:

audioplayerlight(playbutton in footer)
logoutvar ref=document.querySelector('button[onclick*=user]')
pictureviewercoming tomorrow

themes tested with version 2.4: dark
Code: [Select]
#files {background:#555}
« Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 04:00:36 PM by dj »

Offline bmartino1

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    • My HFS Google Drive Shared Link
Have downloaded and will test here in a bit with Android pixel 2 phone amoung other testing device.
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline rejetto

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oh shit, you are missing ALL the icons :(
i'll publish another version ASAP

Offline rejetto

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ok guys, i'm sorry for wasting your time, please REdownload the link above.
It should be fine now.

Offline Mars

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tests done in firefox on windows

There is an forgetting in the template, is missing a passage in the following line concerning links, to see image

by removing this line the default disappears
.item-link { float:left; }

There is a problem with the selection tool, when we check a box, it performs the same action as clicking on the name

« Last Edit: September 22, 2018, 11:25:07 PM by Mars »

Offline dj

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There is a problem with the selection tool, when we check a box, it performs the same action as clicking on the name

change '.item-selectable a' to '.item-selectable' (line 932) might help

update: and optionally remove .item-link { float:left; }
« Last Edit: October 06, 2018, 04:05:09 AM by dj »

Offline TEA-Time

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If I try to edit a comment, I get the "span" tags with the double quote in between in the edit box like in the attached.

Offline TEA-Time

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I'm not sure if this exists in other templates, but I found an interesting gotcha while messing around with uploading from my phone.  Not that anyone would probably do this under normal operation, but I uploaded a file, deleted it, then reuploaded the same file again to try some other functions, and when I clicked the "Reload page" button after the upload finished, the file was deleted without warning.

If I manually reload the page using the pull-down-to-reload function of the browser instead, it tells me that the form (the delete command, but that might not be obvious to some people) will be resubmitted.  But pressing the "Reload page" button bypasses that warning and.. poof.

So I propose instead of doing an actual reload that resubmits the previous form, the "Reload page" button should just do a regular GET for the folder you're sitting at.

Edit: I just noticed that the corresponding entry in hfs.comments.txt does not get removed when any kind of delete happens.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 05:40:56 AM by TEA-Time »

Offline TEA-Time

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Out of the 8 links in the default "ip-services" list, the 5 below error out, causing HFS to fail to obtain the external IP over half the time.  The first 2 result in a page not found error, whereas the rest appear to have parsing issues due to the pages being redesigned.

Code: [Select]|||IP is|d_clip_button">|<strong>

Even if it fails, it only appears to check every "ip-services-time" (not sure what units that value is in), so I propose it tries each link until it succeeds or runs out of links when there is a failure.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 05:13:26 AM by TEA-Time »

Offline LeoNeeson

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The new template looks awesome, congratulations! :)

And now, after several tests I did on this weekend, the reports...

- New jQuery version broke old browser support
I did quite a few tests, and I've found some problems. Since you have updated jQuery from v1.4.2 to v3.3.1, it's probable that you unintentionally have broke support to a wide range of 'not so old' browsers (remember not all Android phones have the latest browser installed), or you could have used some not wide-compatible code syntax too. I've tried several browsers, and the new template only work OK with the latest browser versions, but on most (two years old) browsers, all have the same problem: those new nice buttons doesn't get displayed at all, including the folder path which doesn't get displayed at all (the webfonts are OK). On a desktop browser, the console shows one 'Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier' and two 'Unexpected token'. The most easy way to debug this, is to download a somewhat old version of a Chromium-based browser, like this: SRWare Iron Portable v31 (and here you can also find other versions if you want to do some more tests). Regardless, this new jQuery change gives also some unexpected results if an user wants to use an old template that depends on jQuery v1.X.X (I'll publish those results too, if you are interested).

- Small functional details
If you click on the 'Selection' > 'Mask' button, it will say 'Please enter the file mask to select: *', but there is NO button to accept it. If you are on a desktop browser, you can press the 'Enter' key, but on a mobile device an 'OK' button is needed. This also happens on the 'Move' button, that doesn't have a 'OK'. Another detail: the 'Selection' button is also ONLY displayed, for example, if there is a permission to delete in the current folder, but this is wrong, since if you also have the 'Archive' button visible, you need the 'Selection' button to being able to archive some files (without this, you will archive the whole folder).

- Offline use of 'Font Awesome' icons
Since HFS is often used on private LANs (without external internet connections), it would be best if the 'font-awesome.min.css' (along with the required WebFont files), are included inside the HFS executable (like the jQuery already is). Without that, if you use HFS offline, this new template doesn't work correctly.

- SVG vs WebFonts (or font optimization)
If you want to optimize this (since HFS barely uses 10 icons or less), it would be great if you only use the SVG/PNG format, instead of using the complete 'Font Awesome' WebFont. There are at least two sources of ready-to-use 'Font Awesome' icons in SVG/PNG format, here and here. You can also check this very interesting article describing why SVG is better than using icon WebFonts, but that decision is up to you. Another recommendation is to build a customized 'Font Awesome' version, leaving only the icons used by HFS (to reduce it's size), and you could do that easily on

Well, that's all... :)

HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline dj

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- SVG vs WebFonts (or font optimization)
If you want to optimize this (since HFS barely uses 10 icons or less), it would be great if you only use the SVG/PNG format, instead of using the complete 'Font Awesome' WebFont.

I try to use svg. Incomplete, not IE (must change i tags for IE)
update: v2 should work with IE11 (currently untested)
v3 can resize icons

New jQuery version broke old browser support
I'm not fit in jquery, but it should support Internet Explorer: 9+
the some not wide-compatible code syntax is ECMAScript6
I also think, IE11 should still be supported
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 07:51:03 AM by dj »

Offline rejetto

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thank you all for your comments, they are very useful!

- New jQuery version broke old browser support
I did quite a few tests, and I've found some problems. Since you have updated jQuery from v1.4.2 to v3.3.1, it's probable that you unintentionally have broke support to a wide range of 'not so old' browsers

the problem is hardly jquery 3. I'm using a recent version of javascript. I'm now experimenting to see if I can do without.
I'm now targeting Chrome 48, from Jan 2016. Quite fair i think.

Regardless, this new jQuery change gives also some unexpected results if an user wants to use an old template that depends on jQuery v1.X.X (I'll publish those results too, if you are interested).

I opted for version 3 because even 2 is no longer supported/fixed. I will experiment reverting to 2 or even 1.

on a mobile device an 'OK' button is needed.

you don't have the enter-like button on your mobile keyboard?

Another detail: the 'Selection' button is also ONLY displayed, for example, if there is a permission to delete in the current folder, but this is wrong, since if you also have the 'Archive' button visible, you need the 'Selection' button to being able to archive some files (without this, you will archive the whole folder).

i'll look into this problem

- Offline use of 'Font Awesome' icons

it's tiresome, but i guess it's good to support those few who use it in such situation.

If you want to optimize this (since HFS barely uses 10 icons or less),

I made a list of the current situation, and i'm using 26 icons:
ban =deny
bars =menu

Also, I checked the size of the downloaded files in Chrome, and it's 100KB.
I tried 'fontello', and it took me almost an hour but now it's 10KB (woff format only).

You can also check this very interesting article describing why SVG is better than using icon WebFonts, but that decision is up to you.

Interesting. Anyway, i tried the svg with Chrome 48 and it's not supported. For the moment the woff seems a good choice.

Offline rejetto

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Out of the 8 links in the default "ip-services" list, the 5 below error out, causing HFS to fail to obtain the external IP over half the time.

just updated the list

Offline rejetto

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If I try to edit a comment, I get the "span" tags with the double quote in between in the edit box like in the attached.

fixed in next release