NaitLee, it's a good suggestion to show it somebody. Because it's not my cup of coffee but I 'l'l show your release to folks from .Hope they answer sth to me ) Thank you in advance!
Thank you for doing something. Though I still don't understand the purpose of this (about Work? sorry maybe I'm still too young), it's good that ones care about me.
While I haven't updated PHFS for a long time and it's somewhat outdated, I personally use it almost everyday -- just beside HFS 2/3 for its familiarity & I-know-the-best.
These days I'm working on another project (not related to HFS, but still Python/Server&Client/App):
Cat-PrinterIt's still like that, few dependencies & less overhead, for everyone from newbies to geeks, and if you just say "quality" it could satisfy you!
Also worth to note is that, considering something like React, I don't like it and don't want to do. Though it's so-called "a must" in many places, it's not for me, in technology or philosophy.
It's said that: why React or whatever? If it can do, why pure javascript can't? Why pick the complete opposite to your purpose?
The same applies to Python etc. PHFS have just two dependencies: wsgiserver and werkzeug. The later is
a part of Flask, though I didn't use the whole thing. The other is yet just a basic & fast WSGI "entrance". I prefer few deps, since I don't like it (messy), users don't like it (too big & slow), every developer
in fact doesn't like it (hard to manage & maintain).
Maybe my thoughts have conflicts to people. But that's just what I think. I don't like so-called "profession", I just want to make everything be what it should be -- usually simple enough, to be accepted by many one, if not every.
Remember UNIX philosophy?
Do one thing, and do it well.The other matter, I haven't tried Docker etc yet. I still need development in many directions, and experience. It's a far road to be
true full-stack.
I could of course do applications & satisfy users
now. And I have the ability to learn -- that's the usually being ignored, but most important one.
Thank everyone again, for your kindness to everyone that matters.