@rejetto: i'am working on a template-module for small forums, where i already use the sort by date/time to show threads with most recent activities, but in the filename i maintain the creation-date of the thread and i wanted last created threads on top... It happens, that when working on some project trying to solve one problem, i forget the KISS principle

(this only happens to me, i'am sure !

). So instead of rearranging time simply to yymmddhhmm and sorting inverse, y used 31days months to get a number for mmdd etc.. all to avoid inverse sorting! (just thrown that stuff to the wastebasket!)
but as there remains the problem that @TSG pointed out (for me it is: las post 3 days ago, 25 minutos ago etc.) i proposed this two ugly macros, as i suppose that some timeconverting and calculation would be available in delphi.
As we can make with macros easy strings like (yy)yymmddhhmm(ss) , perhaps it would be better and less ugly (this would serve to me and TSG i suppose) , if we could have a macro difftime.
{.difftime|0902101349|0901051050.} that returns a string like ddddhhmm
optional the macro could could admit only one parameter:
{.difftime|0902101349.} that would return the difftime to system time.