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Testing build #246

rejetto · 23 · 18654

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Offline rejetto

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download @

what's new
+ new template macro: get account [link]
+ {.delete|bin=XXX.}
* %linked-accounts% is now deprecated - use {.member of.}
* {.set account.} can now work with empty username (the current one is considered)
- %item-dl-count% for folders broken in #245
- occasional errors retrieving external IP address [link]
- wrong error message on a failed {.rename.} [link]


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Hi , i tested it ,


 but dont know its not working fine  , like first it works okay , then when i restarted HFS , it stops working  now i tried with everything cleaned

still not working , plz tell me the steps if any

thanks alot

Offline rejetto

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are you using bin=XXX or bin=0 ?
the latter is the correct form.
XXX stands for generic value.


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well this is very dumb question , i think that is event script ,

well in this thing HFS is kinda puzzle me first , i didnt know what the XXX means ??

where is the guide detailed guide about event scripts ?? , or which scripts are enabled . how it works ? , how to write them or its prewitten in software

like you added that one now, then what are other ones , is there any list of functions ??? ,

one more thing we should collect all data of this kind at one place , i think wiki is good for ( i know its already there ) , its hard to learn without any guide

i saw that user write their own scripts , we should collect all user scripts ( i mean if they wish to share it with others ) at one place so others can see them ,learn them and create something new

if its already exists then please tell me where ?

Thanks alot

Offline Mars

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if you write 'bin=0' or 'bin='     then the deletion go not to recycle bin
with bin=true or bin=1 or another texte as XXX (except  '0' or nothing) then the file go to recycle bin

if you forget the param bin=  as {.delete|file_or_directory_name.}  then the recycle bin is the default value

Offline kaler

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hey rejetto...

i don't know why but:

The macro 'add folder' and the macro ' mkdir' work only with the full path name...

can you make it (for the next build), that you must only write down the path of the hfs file system?

(or what I did wrong)

Offline rejetto

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please post exactly the full command that's not working for you

Offline kaler

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{.add folder|real|/user/%user%|/Accounts/%user%|overwrite=0.}
{.set item|/Accounts/%user%|add access=%user%.}
{.set item|/Accounts/%user%|add access=admin.}
{.set item|/Accounts/%user%|add delete=%user%.}
{.set item|/Accounts/%user%|add delete=admin.}
{.set item|/Accounts/%user%|add upload=%user%.}
{.set item|/Accounts/%user%|add upload=admin.}||.}

unfortunately this is not going, why I do not know
I have intentionally used the folder "user" in the folder "account" done

(translate with google)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 03:40:17 PM by kaler »

Offline kaler

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I forgot that the% user% folder is created, but is not loaded into the Account folder

Offline Nighted

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Since this build, HFS turns off and won't all me to restart. I get a message saying the port is already in use but even switching ports does nothing. On exit, it gives this error:

Code: [Select]
Access violation at address 004046A4 in module 'HFS.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFFD
HFS 2.3 beta (246)
Stack list, generated 9/7/2009 9:41:17 PM
[004046A4]{HFS.exe     } System.TObject.Free (Line 8849, "system.pas" + 1) + $4
[004A11C8]{HFS.exe     } JclDebug.TJclStackBaseList.Create (Line 3564, "JclDebug.pas" + 3) + $0
[00414373]{HFS.exe     } SysUtils.FreeAndNil (Line 16911, "sysutils.pas" + 3) + $3
[004B026C]{HFS.exe     } HSlib.ThttpSrv.Destroy (Line 656, "hslib.pas" + 5) + $3
[004046A4]{HFS.exe     } System.TObject.Free (Line 8849, "system.pas" + 1) + $4
[00414373]{HFS.exe     } SysUtils.FreeAndNil (Line 16911, "sysutils.pas" + 3) + $3
[0056CC81]{HFS.exe     } main.TmainFrm.FormClose (Line 11760, "main.pas" + 8) + $5
[0048DA5D]{HFS.exe     } Forms.TCustomForm.DoClose (Line 2984, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $1C
[00492ECD]{HFS.exe     } Forms.TCustomForm.Close (Line 5201, "Forms.pas" + 12) + $A
[005672C7]{HFS.exe     } main.TmainFrm.Exit1Click (Line 10354, "main.pas" + 0) + $3
[004685E1]{HFS.exe     } Menus.TMenuItem.Click (Line 1878, "Menus.pas" + 14) + $C
[00469DFD]{HFS.exe     } Menus.TMenu.DispatchCommand (Line 2603, "Menus.pas" + 5) + $5
[0046B1EC]{HFS.exe     } Menus.TPopupList.WndProc (Line 3393, "Menus.pas" + 4) + $12
[00421022]{HFS.exe     } Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList (Line 3359, "classes.pas" + 1) + $7
[00442394]{HFS.exe     } Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts (Line 5032, "Graphics.pas" + 12) + $5
[0046B129]{HFS.exe     } Menus.TPopupList.MainWndProc (Line 3374, "Menus.pas" + 2) + $8
[0042D7A4]{HFS.exe     } Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11572, "classes.pas" + 8) + $0
[0046F00C]{HFS.exe     } Controls.FindControl (Line 2103, "Controls.pas" + 6) + $C
[004979AE]{HFS.exe     } Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 7670, "Forms.pas" + 23) + $4
[004979F3]{HFS.exe     } Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 7689, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $6
[00497C8E]{HFS.exe     } Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 7773, "Forms.pas" + 16) + $3
[00576DEF]{HFS.exe     } hfs.hfs (Line 99, "" + 21) + $2
System   : Windows XP Professional, Version: 5.1, Build: A28, "Service Pack 3"
Processor: Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E8400  @ 3.00GHz, 3000 MHz MMX
Display  : 1920x1080 pixels, 32 bpp
Product Versions

HFS.exe: Build: 0 9/6/2009 8:36:56 AM

Reverting to build 245 seems to solve the problem.


  • Guest
sorry for being stupid ,

guys can u tell me simply the steps , where to add that text , its a event script or macro  ??

plz tell me all the steps , for making that possible

i dont have any idea how to use that text , where to add or what to do with it

i just know that i have to fill 0 there cuz i want to delete file permanently

can u plz explain it bit , how to make it possible

thanks alot

Offline kaler

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i don' know hat you mean.. when ou mean the last post...

It was only an error-message from hfs... (you can't add it anywhere...) it don't change anything...

Offline kaler

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hey rejetto.. whats up?

i have a new idea for the next build...

can you add for every user a specific ID-Number...

and in the template you can add {.if|{.ID|1234.}|ACTION.} or something else...
and is it possible to add an aray for every ID to put more information about the user in it?

so you have a better control, and you can add to every user a e-Mail adress...

Offline bacter

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1. Could you explain what would be the sense to have a numeric ID instead of the username?
what could you do with ID that you can not do with %user%

--> {.if |{.=|%user%|kaler.}|dosomething.}

2. With the account name you have already a space to have your 'array' of user specific data:

--> {.set account|%user%|notes (key=).}
--> {.get account|%user%|notes (key).}

see also:

your computer has no brain - use your own !